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. 2020 Nov 19;9(23):e017317. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.017317

Table 3.

Relative Biomarker Concentrations

Geometric Mean of Ratio (95% CI)
EC/Abstinence Smoking/Abstinence Smoking/EC
Urine biomarkers
Epinephrine (µg/24 h) 1.15 (0.94–1.40) 1.15 (0.97–1.36) 1.00 (0.87–1.15)
Epinephrine (ng/mL) 1.12 (0.96–1.31) 1.04 (0.90–1.20) 0.92 (0.80–1.07)
Epinephrine (ng/mg Cr) 1.18 (0.98–1.40) 1.22 (1.03–1.45)* 1.04 (0.90–1.20)
Norepinephrine (µg/24 h) 0.95 (0.85–1.06) 0.97 (0.88–1.07) 1.02 (0.90–1.15)
Norepinephrine (ng/mL) 0.94 (0.81–1.08) 0.87 (0.75–1.01) 0.93 (0.81–1.06)
Norepinephrine (ng/mg Cr) 1.00 (0.92–1.08) 1.03 (0.93–1.14) 1.03 (0.93–1.13)
Dopamine (µg/24 h) 0.95 (0.87–1.04) 0.95 (0.86–1.04) 1.00 (0.90–1.11)
Dopamine (ng/mL) 0.94 (0.81–1.08) 0.86 (0.74–0.99) 0.91 (0.80–1.04)
Dopamine (ng/mg Cr) 1.00 (0.93–1.07) 1.01 (0.93–1.09) 1.01 (0.93–1.10)
8‐Isoprostane (ng/24 h) 1.09 (0.81–1.48) 1.23 (0.94–1.63) 1.13 (0.88–1.45)
8‐Isoprostane (ng/mL) 1.18 (0.88–1.57) 1.19 (0.89–1.61) 1.02 (0.83–1.24)
8‐Isoprostane (ng/mg cr) 1.23 (0.92–1.64) 1.42 (1.07–1.90)* 1.16 (0.94–1.42)
11‐dhTxB2 (ng/24 h) 1.25 (0.68–2.30) 1.49 (0.86–2.61) 1.19 (0.92–1.54)
11‐dhTxB2 (ng/mL) 1.35 (0.76–2.39) 1.45 (0.85–2.45) 1.07 (0.86–1.34)
11‐dhTxB2 (ng/mg Cr) 1.40 (0.77–2.59) 1.72 (0.98–3.03) 1.22 (0.97–1.54)
Plasma biomarkers
Interleukin‐6 (pg/mL) 1.84 (1.20–2.82) 2.26 (1.37–3.74) 0.89 (0.51–1.53)
Interleukin‐8 (pg/mL) 1.36 (1.12–1.63) 1.43 (1.21–1.69) 1.06 (0.86–1.30)

Geometric means of relative biomarker concentrations reflect pairwise‐differences following mixed model analysis with random effects for repeated measures within subject and fixed effects for treatment order. Study arm effects: * P<0.05, P<0.01. 11‐dhTxB2 indicates 11‐dehydro‐thromboxane B2; Cr, creatinine; and EC, electronic cigarette.