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. 2020 Dec 8;17(24):9173. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17249173

Table 3.

Goodness-of-fit indicators of the measurement model, structural model and invariant test model by adolescent gender, family intactness and family economic hardship.

Description Model x 2 df CFI RMSEA Model Comparison Δx2 Δdf ΔCFI
Measurement model: confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) M1 5419.154 *** 1660 0.909 .038
Measurement model: measurement invariance between time 1 and time 2
Weak Invariance M2a 5442.969 *** 1676 0.909 0.038 M2a and M1 23.815 16 0.000
Strong Invariance M2b 5513.624 *** 1696 0.907 0.038 M2b and M2a 70.654 *** 20 0.002
Strict Invariance M2c 5607.317 *** 1716 0.906 0.038 M2c and M2b 93.694 *** 20 0.001
Structural model:
Mediation of parent-child conflict on the relationship between concerted cultivation and adolescent psychopathology M3 5831.021 *** 1830 0.904 0.037
Invariant test model by adolescent gender
Unconstrained model M4a 7704.398 *** 3546 0.900 0.027
Constrained model M4b 8069.232 *** 3675 0.894 0.028 M4b and M4a 364.834 *** 129 0.006
Equality constraint: Paternal concerted cultivation (T1) → Adolescent psychopathology (T2) M4c 7705.027 *** 3547 0.900 0.027 M4c and M4a 0.629 1 0.000
Equality constraint: Maternal concerted cultivation (T1) → Adolescent psychopathology (T2) M4d 7704.658 *** 3547 0.900 0.027 M4d and M4a 0.260 1 0.000
Equality constraint: Paternal concerted cultivation (T1) → Father-child conflict (T2) M4e 7707.627 *** 3547 0.900 0.027 M4e and M4a 3.229 1 0.000
Equality constraint: Paternal concerted cultivation (T1) → Mother-child conflict (T2) M4f 7707.778 *** 3547 0.900 0.027 M4f and M4a 3.380 1 0.000
Equality constraint: Maternal concerted cultivation (T1) → Father-child conflict (T2) M4g 7704.961 *** 3547 0.900 0.027 M4g and M4a 0.563 1 0.000
Equality constraint: Maternal concerted cultivation (T1) → Mother-child conflict (T2) M4h 7706.657 *** 3547 0.900 0.027 M4h and M4a 2.259 1 0.000
Equality constraint: Father-child conflict (T2) → Adolescent psychopathology (T2) M4i 7705.212 *** 3547 0.900 0.027 M4i and M4a 0.814 1 0.000
Equality constraint: Mother-child conflict (T2) → Adolescent psychopathology (T2) M4j 7704.854 *** 3547 0.900 0.027 M4j and M4a 0.455 1 0.000

*** p < 0.001.