Table A1.
Overview of the assessment instruments used in the pilot study.
Assessment Instrument 1 | Nursing Home Resident Assessment Instrument | Planification Informatisée des Soins Infirmiers Requis 2 | BewohnerInnen-Einstufungs-und Abrechnungssystem 3 |
Abbreviation | RAI-NH | PLAISIR/PLEX | BESA |
Distributor in Switzerland | Q-Sys | Eros | BESAcare |
Language availability | German, French, Italian | French | German, French, Italian |
QI variables integration | Updated version of the instrument | Additional module | Updated version of the instrument |
Data collection by | Healthcare staff | Healthcare staff or external evaluators (choice of each NH) | Healthcare staff |
Start of the data collection (month) | July 2016 | July 2016 | July 2016 |
Data export (month) | August 2017 | February 2017 | August 2017 |
1 At the time of the study, only three assessment instruments were in use by Swiss nursing homes. Each nursing home has the right to choose a preferred assessment instrument. These are used to carry out routine resident data collection to help evaluate aspects of residents’ needs and care (e.g., amount of care needed, cognitive functions, mobility). One such assessment must be carried out at each resident’s admission, then at least once every 6 months. The data gathered serve as a basis for care planning and health insurance claims [27]. 2 Computerized planning of required nursing care. 3 Residents classification and billing system.