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. 2020 Dec 10;9(12):2659. doi: 10.3390/cells9122659

Table 1.

Nanomaterials targeting senescent cells using cellular in vitro and in vivo models.

Nanomaterial Biologically-
Active Component
Concentration Senescence Model In Vitro/In Vivo Model Senolytic Effects and Mechanism Ref.
LR-CD9mAb CD9 monoclonal antibody conjugated to PEGylated liposomes Rapa 25 nM Human dermal fibroblasts (HDF), doxorubicin-induced senescence In vitro Anti-senescence activity (increased proliferative potential, decreased β-galactosidase activity and p53/p21 expression, and increased cell migration) [118]
CD9-Lac/CaCO3/Rapa NPs CD9 monoclonal antibody-conjugated lactose-wrapped calcium carbonate nanoparticles loaded with rapamycin Rapa 0.2 mg of rapamycin per mg of CaCO3 NPs Human dermal fibroblasts (HDF), replicative and doxorubicin-induced senescence In vitro Anti-senescence activity (decreased β-galactosidase activity and p53/p21/CD9/cyclin D1 expression, increased cell proliferation and cell migration ability, decreased population doubling time, and prevention of G1 cell cycle arrest) [107]
MoS2 NPs molybdenum disulfide mesoporous silica nanoparticles - 50 μg/mL Human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs), stress-induced premature senescence In vitro Anti-senescence activity (decreased γ−H2AX phosphorylation, repressed upregulation of p16, p21 and p53, activation of autophagy, improved autophagic flux, and prevention of lysosomal and mitochondrial dysfunction) [108]
GalNP(dox) 6-mer galacto-oligosaccharide encapsulated doxorubicin Dox 1 mg/kg Mouse, bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis In vivo Anti-senescence activity (improved lung function) [109]
GalNP(nav) 6-mer galacto-oligosaccharide encapsulated navitoclax Nav 0.06 mg/mL Melanoma (SK-MEL-103), palbociclib-induced senescence In vitro Senolytic activity (apoptosis of senescent cells)
GalNP(dox) 6-mer galacto-oligosaccharide encapsulated doxorubicin Dox 1 mg/kg Mouse-bearing SK-MEL-103 tumor xenografts, palbociclib-induced tumor senescence In vivo Clearance of senescent cells and induced regression of tumor xenografts
GalNP(nav) 6-mer galacto-oligosaccharide encapsulated navitoclax Nav
DSAs Docetaxel-tannic acid self-assemblies (DSAs)-based nanoparticles Docetaxel 2.5-5 nM Prostate cancer cells (C4-2 and PC- 3) In vitro Senolytic activity (inhibition of senescence-related TGFβR1, FOXO1, and p21 proteins and activation of apoptosis) [119]
30 mg/kg Mouse-bearing PC-3 tumor xenografts In vivo Clearance of senescent cells (induced regression of tumor xenografts by blockade of TGFβR1/p21-mediated senescence signaling and activation of apoptosis)
NanoMIPs molecularly-imprinted nanoparticles Dasatinib 10 μM dasatinib-conjugated B2M nanoMIPs Bladder cancer cells with a tetracycline (tet)-regulatable p16 expression systems (EJp16) In vitro Senolytic activity (decreased number of senescent cancer cells) [110]
MNPQ quercetin surface-functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles Quercetin 5 μg/mL Human foreskin fibroblasts (BJ), hydrogen peroxide-induced senescence In vitro Senolytic and senostatic activity (AMPK activation, induction of non-apoptotic cell death, and inhibition of SASP components, namely IL-6 and IFN-β) [120]
GalNP(nav) Nav 40 mg GalNP (Nav)/kg (≈2.5 mg/kg of free navitoclax) Triple-negative breast cancer mouse model, palbociclib-induced senescence In vivo Senolytic activity (inhibited tumor growth, reduced metastasis, and limited systemic toxicity of navitoclax, and apoptosis of senescent cancer cells) [121]

Abbreviations: Rapa, rapamycin; Dox, doxorubicin; Nav, navitoclax.