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. 2020 Nov 13;7(12):ofaa552. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa552

Table 3.

Risk Factors and Diagnosis

Case No. Age/Sex IV Drug Type Localization of Infection HIV Ab Diagnosis (Method)/Manner Obtained Source
1 37/F Drug use history not stated Ventricular infection causing obstructive hydrocephalus N/Aa Aseptate hyphae/CSF exam after drain placed [5]
2 32/M Heroin and cocaine Right basal ganglia N/A Rhizopus/Absidia (immunostains)/biopsy [6]
3 24/F Pentazocine and tripelennamine Brain stem N/A Aseptate hyphae/brain biopsy [7]
4 20/F Drug use history not stated Left basal ganglia N/A Aseptate hyphae/brain biopsy [8]
5 24/M Heroin and cocaine Bilateral basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/biopsy [9]
6 28/M IVDU, not further specified Left basal ganglia N/A Rhizopus spp. (culture)/stereotactic biopsy [10]
7 28/M IVDU, not further specified Left basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/stereotactic brain biopsy [11]
8 30/F IVDU, not further specified Left basal ganglia Pos Aseptate hyphae/stereotactic brain biopsy [12]
9 24/F Heroin Right basal ganglia Neg Rhizopus arrhizus (PCR)/stereotactic brain biopsy [13]
10 42/F IVDU, not further specified Right basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/stereotactic biopsy [14]
11 43/M IVDU, not further specified Left cerebellar hemisphere Neg Aseptate hyphae/open biopsy [15]
12 40/M IVDU, not further specified Left basal ganglia Neg Rhizopus oryzae (PCR)/stereotactic brain biopsy [16]
13 23/F Methamphetamine Bilateral basal ganglia Neg Rhizopus spp. (culture)/brain biopsy [17]
14 37/M Fentanyl Left basal ganglia Neg Rhizopus oryzae (PCR)/stereotactic brain biopsy (This study)
15 44/M Cocaine and opioids Bilateral basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/stereotactic biopsy [18]
16 26/M Amphetamines Right basal ganglia Neg Rhizopus oryzae (culture)/aspiration [19]
17 31/F Cocaine Left basal ganglia Pos Aseptate hyphae/stereotactic biopsy [20]
18 34/M Heroin Left basal ganglia Neg Rhizopus arrhizus (culture)/biopsy [21]
19 53/F Heroin and cocaine Multiple abscesses including in left basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/brain biopsy [22]
20 29/F Opioids Left basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/biopsy [23]
21 28/M IVDU, not further specified Left basal ganglia N/A Rhizopus oryzae (culture)/open brain biopsy [24]
22 21/M Heroin Bilateral basal ganglia Pos Aseptate hyphae/brain biopsy [25]
23 23/F IVDU, not further specified Bilateral basal ganglia Pos Aseptate hyphae/brain biopsy [25]
24 25/M IVDU, not further specified Right temporal lobe Neg Rhizopus arrhizus (culture)/aspiration [26]
25 33/F IVDU, not further specified Left basal ganglia Neg Ventriculostomy culture with aseptate branching hyphae [27]
26 “Young”/M Heroin Bilateral basal ganglia Neg Fungi with aseptate hyphae/autopsy [28]
27 24/M Drug use history not stated Bilateral basal ganglia Neg Rhizomucor (culture)/biopsy [29]
28 22/M Heroin and cocaine Right basal ganglia Neg Hyphal elements from autopsy [30]
29 43/M IVDU presumed but not confirmed Ventricular disease with a left basal ganglia mass Neg Aseptate hyphae/ventricular biopsy [31]
30 27/M Drug use history not stated Right basal ganglia Neg Rhizopus spp. (next-generation sequencing)/CSF exam from time of drain placement [32]/2020
31 26/F Drug use history not stated Bilateral basal ganglia N/A Aseptate hyphae/brain biopsy [33]
32 27/F Cocaine and opioids Right basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/stereotactic brain biopsy [34]
33 37/M Heroin and cocaine Left basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/autopsy [34]
34 32/F Heroin and cocaine Left basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/autopsy [34]
35 49/M No history of IVDU Left frontal lesion progressed to involve right frontal and right basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/autopsy [35]
36 22/F IVDU, not further specified Bilateral basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/stereotactic brain biopsy [36]
37 24/M IVDU, not further specified Bilateral basal ganglia N/A Aseptate hyphae from culture from ventriculostomy [37]
38 24/M Heroin Right basal ganglia N/A Aseptate hyphae/autopsy [38]
39 32/M Heroin Left basal ganglia N/A Aseptate hyphae/autopsy [39]
40 27/M Heroin Bilateral basal ganglia N/A Aseptate hyphae/autopsy [40]
41 27/M IVDU, not further specified Multiple bilateral cerebral abscesses N/A Aseptate hyphae/autopsy [24]
42 23/F IVDU, not further specified Right basal ganglia N/A Aseptate hyphae/autopsy [6]
43 28/M Heroin Ventricular infection causing obstructive hydrocephalus N/A Aspirate during craniotomy with aseptate hyphae [41]
44 40/M Heroin Left basal ganglia N/A Autopsy with aseptate hyphae [41]
45 25/M IVDU, not further specified Right basal ganglia Neg Not stated [36]
46 28/M Heroin Bilateral basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/autopsy [42]
47 50/M Heroin and cocaine Bilateral basal ganglia Neg Aseptate hyphae/autopsy [43]
48 38/F Amphetamines Left basal ganglia N/A Mucor spp. (culture)/autopsy [44]
49 30/M Cocaine and amphetamines Bilateral basal ganglia N/A Mucor spp. (culture)/autopsy [44]
50 22/F No history of IVDU Ventricular infection causing obstructive hydrocephalus and basilar meningitis N/A Autopsy with aseptate hyphae [45]
51 47/F No history of IVDU Right frontal lobe N/A Culture from abscess drainage [46]
52 41/M Heroin and amphetamines Left basal ganglia N/A Aseptate hyphae seen at autopsy [47]
53 25/M IVDU, not further specified Right basal ganglia Neg Rhizopus oryzae (culture)/autopsy [48]
54 31/F IVDU, not further specified Bilateral basal ganglia Pos Not stated [36]
55 53/M Heroin and cocaine Bilateral basal ganglia Neg Rhizopus spp. (culture)/stereotactic brain biopsy (This study)

Abbreviations: Ab, antibody; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; F, female, M, male; IV, intravenous; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; IVDU, intravenous drug use; spp, species.

aN/A, HIV status not explicitly stated.