Figure 5.
The effect of irinotecan (IRI) and IRI with BGP-15 (IRI+BGP) treatment on skeletal muscle function. Soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles underwent ex vivo assessment of contractile function, with (A,B) force–frequency relationships and (C,D) absolute and (E,F) specific force production determined. (G) Single twitch properties, i.e., Pt = single twitch force, TTP = time to peak, ½ RT = half relaxation time and df/dt = rate of force production, were also evaluated for SOL and EDL muscles. Additionally, (H) SOL and (I) EDL muscles underwent fatigue protocols (sequential supramaximal tetanic stimulations) to assess fatigue susceptibility. To correlate ex vivo function data with overall physical activity, mice were housed in Promethion metabolic cages containing running wheels for 24 h prior to endpoint muscle collection. Voluntary wheel running (J) distance and (K) speed were assessed in addition to (L) cage activity over these 24 h. * = p < 0.05 compare to VEH; # p = 0.08 compared to VEH, ^ = p < 0.05 compared to IRI; n = 5–8.