Bacterial survival in the presence of different types of neutrophil EVs. EVs were tested immediately after isolation. The amount of the applied EVs was normalized to protein content. The optical-density-based quantification of the bacterial survival of S. aureus was carried out as detailed in [149]. Error bars represent mean + S.E.M. Data were compared to sEV by using one-way ANOVA coupled with Dunett’s post hoc test; n = 3 (PMA EV), 4 (fMLP EV, TNF-α EV, LPS EV, CXCL12 EV, C3bi surface EV, apo EV), 11 (non ops. Zymo. EV, Ab. ops. Zymo. EV, sera ops. Zymo. EV), 25 (PMN, sEV, sera ops. S. aureus EV). Level of significance (p < 0.05) is indicated by *.