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. 2014 Oct 1;5(4):201–207.
Table 1: Lectins used in this study and their major specificities
Acronym Source Major spe cificity
GNA Galanthus nivalis Snowdrop Nonreducing terminal α-D-mannose, especially the mannosyl a1,3-mannose linkage
NPA Narcissus pseudonarcissus Daffodil a1,6-Mannose
HHA Hippeastrum hybrid Amaryllis a1,3 and a1,6-Mannose
CON A Canavalia ensiformis Jackbean a-D-glucosyl and a-D-mannosyl (terminal or 1,2 linked) in high mannose, internediate and small complex N-linked sequences
PSA Pisum sativum Garden Pea a-D-mannose in non-bisected bi/tri-antennary, complex N-linked sequences
LCA Lens culinaris Lentil Similar to, but not identical with PSA
e-PHA Phaseolus vulgaris (erythroagglutinin) Kidney Bean Bi/tri-antennary bisected complex N-linked sequences
l-PHA Phaseolus vulgaris (leukoagglutinin) Kidney Bean Tri/tetra-antennary, non- bisected complex N-linked sequences
BSA-II Bandeiraea simplicifolia Griffonia Terminal a and βGlcNAca1,3 > a1,6 or β1,3 >> β1,6
LEA Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato β1,4GlcNAc oligomers
ECA Erythrina cristagalli Coral Tree Gal β1,4GlcNAc β1-
AHA Arachis hypogaea Peanut Gal β1,3GalNAc β1- >Gal β1,4GlcNAc β1-
MPA Maclura pomifera Osage orange Gal β1,3GalNAca1- >GalNAcα1-
HPA Helix pomatia Roman snail Terminal GalNAca1-
SBA Glycine max Soybean Terminal GalNAca1- >Gala1
VVA Vicia villosa Hairy vetch GalNAca1-Ser/Thr and GalNAca1,3Gal β1-
WFA Wisteria floribunda Wisteria GalNAca1,6Gal β1- >GalNAca1,3Gal β1-
DBA Dolichos biflorus Horse Gram GalNAca1,3(LFuca1,2)Gal- β1,3/4GlcNAc β1-
UEA-1 Ulex europaeus-1 Gorse H type 2 antigen (aL-Fuc(1,2)- Gal β1,4GlcNAc β1-) and Ley
LTA Tetragonolobus purpureus Lotus L-fucosyl terminals (especially where clustered), Fuca1,6GlcNAc >Fuca1,2-Gal β1,4(Fuca1,3)-GlcNAc β, Lex,y
AAA Anguilla anguilla Eel H type 1 antigen, Lea
BSA-1B4 Bandeiraea simplicifolia Griffonia Gala1,3Gal β1,4GlcNAc β1-
SNA-1 Sambucus nigra Elderberry Bark NeuNAca2,6Gal/GalNAc-
PTL-1 Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Winged bean αGalNAc
PTL-11 Psophocarpus tetragonolobus Winged bean βGalNAc, H type 1 antigen, Galβ1-3GalNAcαSer/Thr
MAA Maackia amurensis NeuNAca2,3Galβ1-
PAA Phytolacca americana Pokeweed Poly-N-acetyllactosamine, GlcNAc oligomers
s-WGA Succinylated-Triticum vulgaris Wheatgerm N-acetylglucosamine