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. 2020 Oct 16;12(6):1792–1798. doi: 10.1111/os.12821


Associations between various patient characteristics and misdiagnosis

Characteristic Diagnosis group (N = 1168) Misdiagnosis group (N = 303) P‐value t2 /Z‐value
Age (years) 52.28 ± 12.01 51.47 ± 10.41 0.239 t = 1.178
BMI (kg/m2) 23.45 ± 3.97 23.19 ± 5.26 0.441 t = 0.772
Gender 0.260 χ2 = 1.269
Female (%) 339 (29.0%) 98 (32.3%)
Male (%) 829 (71.0%) 205 (67.7%)
Causes of ONFH <0.001 χ2 = 87.915
Corticosteroids (%) 408 (34.9%) 72 (23.8%)
Alcohol (%) 491 (42.0%) 93 (30.7%)
Trauma (%) 155 (13.3%) 110 (36.3%)
Others (%) 114 (9.8%) 28 (9.2%)
Primary diseases requiring corticosteroids 0.148 χ2 = 8.155
Immune system diseases (%) 142 (34.8%) 23 (31.9%)
Skin diseases (%) 78 (19.1%) 11 (15.3%)
Urinary diseases (%) 43 (10.5%) 12 (16.7%)
Blood diseases (%) 68 (16.7%) 8 (11.1%)
Respiratory diseases (%) 42 (10.3%) 6 (8.3%)
Other diseases (%) 35 (8.6%) 12 (16.7%)
Methods of corticosteroid use 0.203 χ2 = 3.190
Oral (%) 265 (65.0%) 40 (55.6%)
Intravenous (%) 92 (22.5%) 18 (25.0%)
Others (%) 51 (12.5%) 14 (19.4%)
Corticosteroid species 0.142 χ2 = 3.904
Medium (%) 196 (48.0%) 32 (44.4%)
Long‐lasting (%) 108 (26.5%) 14 (19.4%)
Others (%) 104 (25.5%) 26 (36.2%)
Years of alcohol consumption 0.125 Z = 2.359
≤10 years (%) 167 (34.0%) 37 (39.8%)
>10 years, ≤20 years (%) 170 (34.6%) 35 (37.6%)
>20 years, ≤30 years (%) 85 (17.3%) 11 (11.8%)
>30 years (%) 69 (14.1%) 10 (10.8%)
Weekly alcohol consumption 0.100 Z = 2.702
≤1500 mL (%) 40 (8.1%) 13 (14.0%)
>1500 mL, ≤3500 mL (%) 320 (65.2%) 60 (64.5%)
>3500 mL (%) 131 (26.7%) 20 (21.5%)
Type of trauma 0.089 χ2 = 4.846
Fracture of the femoral neck (%) 136 (87.7%) 86 (78.2%)
Dislocation of the hip (%) 9 (5.8%) 14 (12.7%)
others (%) 10 (6.5%) 10 (9.1%)
Onset side of the disease 0.028 χ2 = 4.815
Bilateral (%) 500 (42.8%) 151 (49.8%)
Unilateral (%) 668 (57.2%) 152 (50.2%)
VAS for pain 4.60 ± 0.75 4.85 ± 1.04 0.390 t = 0.870
Pain side 0.012 χ2 = 6.290
Bilateral (%) 863 (73.9%) 245 (80.9%)
Unilateral (%) 305 (26.1%) 58 (19.1%)
Whether symptoms are hidden <0.001 χ2 = 60.745
Hidden (%) 417 (35.7%) 183 (60.4%)
Obvious (%) 751 (64.3%) 120 (39.6%)
Physician title at the initial visit <0.001 Z = 6.606
Director physician or assistant director physician (%) 393 (33.6%) 43 (14.2%)
Attending doctor or resident doctor (%) 775 (66.4%) 260 (85.8%)
Type of imaging examination at the initial visit <0.001 χ2 = 160.521
X‐ray 98 (8.4%) 106 (35.0%)
CT 183 (15.7%) 24 (7.9%)
MRI 585 (50.1%) 84 (27.7%)
≥2 types 302 (25.8%) 89 (29.4%)

BMI, body mass index; CT, computer tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; ONFH,; VAS, visual analogue scale/score.