S179C-Timp3 mice have increased area of RPE degeneration after injections with low doses of sodium iodate. A, a-C, c) RPE/choroid flat mounts of WT and S179C-Timp3(Dd-Ff) mice show varying levels of degeneration after injections with NaIO3. n > 3 for each group. A, B, C, D, E, F) Tile scan images of flat mounts stained with TRITC-phalloidin. White scale bars represent 400 μm a, b, c, d, e, f) Higher magnification images of each flat mount showing RPE morphology and areas of cell death. White scale bars represent 45 μm. A-a, D-d) Flat mounts from mice injected with PBS only had no degeneration. E-e) S179C-Timp3 mice injected with 10 mg/kg NaIO3 had degeneration of the RPE and areas of elongated cells with stress fibers (arrowheads), but WT mice with the same dose did not (B–b). C-c, F-f) Both WT and S179C-Timp3 mice had severe degeneration (asterisks) and cell morphology changes (arrowheads) after injection with 20 mg/kg NaIO3. G) Area of RPE degeneration was quantified as percent of total area of the flat mount. Student's unpaired t-tests were used to analyze comparisons within each treatment group.