Germlings of ∆erg-10a/∆erg-10b are impaired in cell-to-cell fusion. (A) Microscopic analysis of cell-to-cell fusion in a pair of WT germlings expressing cytosolic GFP and Cherry Red (N3-06 + N3-07) after physical contact (arrowhead), resulting in mixing of green and red fluorescence. (B) A pair of Δerg-10a/Δerg-10b germlings expressing cytosolic GFP or Cherry Red (MW_175 + MW_179). Note the lack of cytoplasmic mixing and the extrusion extending from one cell into the other (arrow). Bar in (A and B), 5 μm. (C) Quantification of germling fusion in cell pairings of WT (N3-06 + N3-07), Δerg-10a (N5-01 + N5-02), Δerg-10b (MW_103 + MW_105), and Δerg-10a/Δerg-10b (MW_175 + MW_179). Values represent the mean ± SD from at least three independent cell populations with 87–109 germling pairs per replicate (****P < 0.0001, ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test). WT, wild-type.