BAM1/2 are specifically required for CYCD6;1 activation during formative divisions. (A) EN7p::YFP-H2B and Co2p::YFP-H2B are both expressed in the bam1/2/3 single mutant layer (7 dag). (B) CASP1p::2xmCherry, a marker of the Casparian strip, is expressed in bam1/2/3 (4 dag). (C) Representative images of Col-0 and bam1/2/3 expressing CYCLIND6;1p::GFP (3 dag). (D) Undivided CEI cells directly adjacent to the QC with or without GFP signal were quantified in Col-0, bam1/2, and bam1/2/3 at 3 dag (with GFP, n = 54/60, Col-0; n = 26/146, bam1/2; n = 18/97, bam1/2/3). Ep, epidermis; C, cortex; E, endodermis. (Scale bar, 25 µm in A–C.)