Serial FC levels in UC (A) and CD (B) patients separately during vedolizumab induction, specified for patients with and without an endoscopic response.
Number of UC patients (FC) with/without endoscopic response at week 0: 13/5; week 2: 13/5; week 4: 12/4; week 8: 13/4; week 16: 11/4. Number of CD patients (FC) with/without endoscopic response at week 0: 13/13; week 2: 12/12; week 4: 13/12; week 8: 13/12; week 16: 13/12. Boxplots describe median and first and third quartile of FC at the predefined serial time points. FC values for UC patients with an endoscopic response: baseline: 1474 µg/g (Q1–Q3 306–1800); week 2: 718 µg/g (Q1–Q3 122–1800); week 4: 309 µg/g (Q1–Q3 86–1800); week 8: 78 µg/g (Q1–Q3 25–914); week 16: 49 µg/g (Q1–Q3 25–332). FC values for UC non-responders: baseline: 1800 µg/g (Q1–Q3 1566–1800); week 2: 1800 µg/g (Q1–Q3 1032–1800); week 4: 1513 µg/g (Q1–Q3 1004–1800); week 8: 1704 µg/g (Q1–Q3 954–1800); week 16: 1073 µg/g (Q1–Q3 630–1676). FC values for CD patients with an endoscopic response: baseline: 816 µg/g (Q1–Q3 252–1555); week 2: 310 µg/g (Q1–Q3 152–1068); week 4: 255 µg/g (Q1–Q3 89–835); week 8: 169 µg/g (Q1–Q3 82–401); week 16: 154 µg/g (Q1–Q3 77–238). FC values for CD non-responders: baseline: 734 µg/g (Q1–Q3 463–1309); week 2: 872 µg/g (Q1–Q3 605–1800); week 4: 661 µg/g (Q1–Q3 449–1424); week 8: 1062 µg/g (Q1–Q3 513–1472); week 16: 897 µg/g (Q1–Q3 701–1412).
*Indicates statistically different FC levels between patients with and without response as tested by the Wilcoxon Rank test.
CD, Crohn’s disease; FC, fecal calprotectin; Q, quartile; UC, ulcerative colitis.