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. 2020 Jul 16;158(6):2381–2393. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2020.06.080

Table 2.

Summary of Recommendations and Results

Review Care Continuum Phase Evidence-Based Practice Evidence-Based Practice Description Impact on Outcome
Recommended for Use Level of Evidence
Mechanical Duration Death
Aggarwal et al13 (2018) 1 Conservative oxygen therapy The goal of Po2 in arterial blood is 55-80 mm Hg; oxygen exposure >80 mm Hg is associated with worse patient outcomes, irrespective of the severity of ARDS. Yes Yes Yes Moderate
Aoyama et al17 (2018) 1 Driving pressure Higher driving pressure is associated with death. Yes No Moderate
Fan et al4 (2017) 1 Lung protective ventilation Invasive mechanical ventilation with the use of lower tidal volumes (4-8 mL/kg predicted body weight). Yes Yes Moderate
Walkey et al28 (2017) 1 Lung protective ventilation Invasive mechanical ventilation with the use of lower tidal volumes (4-8 mL/kg predicted body weight). Yes Yes, conditional on higher positive-end expiratory pressure among patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS Moderate
Murray et al25 (2016) 1 Neuromuscular blocking agent Conditional recommendation to administer a neuromuscular blocking agent by continuous IV infusion early in the course of ARDS. Yes Yes Yes, conditional, for patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS Moderate
Fan et al4 (2017) 1 Positive-end expiratory pressure Conditional recommendation for higher positive-end expiratory pressure, of approximately 15 cm water. Yes Yes, conditional, for patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS Moderate
Goligher et al18 (2017) 1 Positive-end expiratory pressure Conditional recommendation for higher positive-end expiratory pressure, of approximately 15 cm water. Yes Yes, conditional, in combination with lung recruitment maneuvers for patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS Low
Guo et al19 (2018) 1 Positive-end expiratory pressure Conditional recommendation for higher positive-end expiratory pressure, of approximately 15 cm water. Yes Yes, conditional on patients who have better oxygenation in response to positive-end expiratory pressure Low
Walkey et al28 (2017) 1 Positive-end expiratory pressure Conditional recommendation for higher positive-end expiratory pressure, of approximately 15 cm water. Yes Yes, conditional when used in combination with lung protective ventilation when compared to high tidal volumes low positive-end expiratory pressure Low
Fan et al4 (2017) 1 Prone position Conditional recommendation for prone positioning Yes Yes, conditional, when used for >12 h/d for patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS Moderate
Munshi et al24 (2017) 1 Prone position Conditional recommendation for prone positioning Yes Yes, conditional, when used for >12 h/d for patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS Moderate
Devlin et al10 (2018) 2 Analgesia-first approach to sedation and pain management Minimize the use of opioids and sedatives; administer pharmacologic adjuvants to opioid therapy or nonpharmacologic interventions to reduce pain. Yes Yes Moderate
Silversides et al14 (2017) 2 Conservative fluid management Use protocols for patients who are diuresing, and/or monitor extravascular lung water, pulse pressure variation, or intrathoracic blood volume index, while restricting or minimizing fluid. Yes Yes Moderate
Devlin et al10 (2018) 2 Delirium assessment, prevention, and management Use screening tools to regularly assess delirium; avoid benzodiazepine; only short-term use of antipsychotic agents should be used while patients are in distress; consider multicomponent, nonpharmacologic interventions that reduce modifiable risk factors. Yes Yes Low
Devlin et al10 (2018) 2 Early mobility protocols Protocolized rehabilitation directed toward early mobilization for patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation for >24 h. Yes Yes Low
Girard et al11 (2017) 2 Early mobility protocols Protocolized rehabilitation directed toward early mobilization for patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation for >24 h. Yes Yes Low
Schmidt et al27 (2017) 2 Early mobility protocols Protocolized rehabilitation directed toward early mobilization for patients receiving invasive mechanical ventilation for >24 h. Yes Yes Low
Meduri et al22 (2016) 2 Glucocorticoid treatment Early- and low-dose methylprednisolone treatment helps resolve ARDS symptoms. Yes Yes Yes Moderate
Meduri et al23 (2018) 2 Glucocorticoid treatment Conditional recommendation to provide methylprednisolone. Yes Yes Yes, conditional on early moderate-to-severe and late persistent ARDS Moderate
Yang et al29 (2017) 2 Glucocorticoid treatment Early- and low-dose methylprednisolone treatment helps resolve ARDS symptoms. Yes Yes Yes Low
Fan et al4 (2017) 2 High-frequency oscillatory ventilation Conditional recommendation regarding routine use high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. Yes Yes No, conditional, not to be used for patients with moderate-to-severe ARDS Strong
Devlin et al10 (2018) 2 Sedation protocols Monitor sedation; use protocols that attempt to minimize sedation in patients who are not receiving neuromuscular blockades by interrupting sedation daily or continuously titrating sedatives to maintain a light level of sedation (ie, use a targeted sedation strategy). Yes Yes Yes Low
Ouellette et al12 (2017) 2 Sedation protocols Monitor sedation; use protocols that attempt to minimize sedation. Yes Yes Low
Schmidt et al27 (2017) 2 Sedation protocols Monitor sedation; use protocols that attempt to minimize sedation. Yes Yes Low
Devlin et al10 (2018) 2 Sleep management Do not administer propofol to assist in sleep. Yes No Low
Schmidt et al27 (2017) 2 Spontaneous awakening trial Lighten or discontinue sedation for a period of time each day to wake the patient up and evaluate alertness. Yes Yes Low
Schmidt et al27 (2017) 2 Spontaneous breathing trial Turn ventilator support down or off with pressure augmentation to exercise the lungs and assess readiness for extubation. Yes Yes Moderate
Girard et al11 (2017) 3 Cuff leak test Perform cuff leak test for patients who meet extubation criteria and are deemed high risk for postextubation stridor; if failed but are ready for extubation, administer systemic steroids at least 4 hours before extubation; repeat cuff test not required. Yes Yes Low
Schmidt et al27 (2017) 3 Cuff leak test Perform cuff leak test for patients who meet extubation criteria and are deemed high risk for postextubation stridor; if failed but are ready for extubation, administer systemic steroids at least 4 hours before extubation; repeat cuff test not required. Yes Yes Low
Huang et al20 (2018) 3 Extubation to high-flow nasal cannula Extubate to high-flow nasal cannula is an effective alternative to patients who cannot tolerate noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Yes Yes Yes Low
Maitra et al21 (2016) 3 Extubation to high-flow nasal cannula Extubate to high-flow nasal cannula is an effective alternative to patients who cannot tolerate noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Yes Yes Yes Low
Ni et al26 (2017) 3 Extubation to high-flow nasal cannula Extubate to high-flow nasal cannula is an effective alternative to patients who cannot tolerate noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Yes Yes Yes Moderate
Huang et al20 (2018) 3 Extubation to noninvasive mechanical ventilation Noninvasive mechanical ventilation appears to be comparable with high-flow nasal oxygen. Yes Yes Yes Low
Maitra et al21 (2016) 3 Extubation to noninvasive mechanical ventilation Noninvasive mechanical ventilation appears to be comparable with high-flow nasal oxygen. Yes Yes Yes Low
Ni et al26 (2017) 3 Extubation to noninvasive mechanical ventilation Noninvasive mechanical ventilation appears to be comparable with high-flow nasal oxygen. Yes Yes Yes Moderate
Ouellette et al12 (2017) 3 Extubation to noninvasive mechanical ventilation For patients at risk for extubation failure who have received invasive mechanical ventilation >24 h and who have passed a spontaneous breathing trial, extubate to preventive noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Yes Yes Yes Moderate
Schmidt et al27 (2017) 3 Extubation to noninvasive mechanical ventilation For patients at risk for extubation failure who have received invasive mechanical ventilation >24 h and who have passed a spontaneous breathing trial, extubate to preventive noninvasive mechanical ventilation. Yes Yes Yes Moderate
Girard et al11 (2017) 3 Ventilator liberation protocol Treat patients who have received invasive mechanical ventilation for >24 h with a ventilator liberation protocol; however, insufficient evidence to recommend any single protocol over another. Yes Yes Low
Schmidt et al27 (2017) 3 Ventilator liberation protocol Treat patients who have received invasive mechanical ventilation for >24 h with a ventilator liberation protocol; however, insufficient evidence to recommend any single protocol over another. Yes Yes Low