Extended Data Figure 10. Ldlrad3 mRNA expression in tissues from mice.
a. Generation of a TaqMan primer/probe set against the Ldlrad3 gene targeting exons 2 and 3. b-c. Profile of Ldlrad3 mRNA expression in different mice tissues (b) and the brains of wild-type and Ldlrad3-deficient mice (c). Data are the mean ± SD of one experiment (b: spinal cord, kidney, superior cervical lymph node, heart, brain, lung, colon, liver, muscle, jejunum, spleen, inguinal lymph node, ileum, pancreas, n = 5; testis, ovary, n = 3; c: n = 3). d. In situ hybridization (brown) of Ldlrad3 (olfactory bulb, cortex, thalamus, and hippocampus) from WT mice (left panels). Ldlrad3 RNA puncta are indicated by left-pointing red arrows. A ZIKV RNA in situ hybridization probe was used as a negative control (right panels). Slides were counterstained with Gill’s hematoxylin. Representative high-power (63X) magnification images from n = 5 per group are shown. Scale bar, 10 μm.