(A) Model of functional RNA elements in the Hoxa9 5’ UTR that regulate the translation of subsets of Hoxa mRNAs in the embryo (Xue et al., 2015). TIE, translation inhibitory element; IRES, internal ribosome entry site.
(B) Schematic of the topology of regulatory elements in the mouse Hoxa9 5’ UTR. The 180 nucleotides (nt)-long Hoxa9 IRES-like RNA element (a9 IRES180) harbors the P3 and P4 stem-loops and resides 130 nt upstream of the AUG (native spacer).
(C) Secondary structure model of a9 IRES180, a zoomed-in view of the P4 stem-loop (red), and substitution mutations mapped onto the P4 structure. Nts mutated in P4(M5) (green). Numbers refer to nt positions in the Hoxa9 5’ UTR. Active P4 mutants (normalized Fluc/Rluc < 0.5 A.U.) are labeled “+”, moderately active mutants (Fluc/Rluc < 0.5, > 1.0 A.U.) are labeled “+/–”, and inactive mutants (Fluc/Rluc > 0.5 A.U.) are labeled “–”. Yellow: Sequence critical for IRES-like activity. See also Figure S1.
(D) Spacer sequence requirement for a9 IRES-like element activity is tested by inserting spacers of different lengths downstream of an IRES-like element in a bicistronic reporter mRNA plasmid (pRF). Rluc, renilla luciferase; Fluc, firefly luciferase.
(E) Bicistronic reporter genes were transiently transfected into mouse C3H/10T1/2 cells and expressed from plasmids. Cells from the same transfection were split in half for protein and mRNA analysis. Relative luciferase activity is expressed as a Fluc(IRES)/Rluc(cap-initiation) ratio normalized to respective Fluc/Rluc mRNA levels. Average IRES-like activity ± standard error of the mean (SEM), n = 4–15. pRF and actin 5’ UTR serve as negative controls, HCV IRES as an IRES control. a9 IRES FL: FL, full-length; pRF (vector), no insert in the intergenic region; A.U., arbitrary units.
(F) Bicistronic reporter mRNAs were transiently expressed as described in (E). Average IRES-like activity normalized to respective Fluc/Rluc mRNA levels ± SEM, n = 4–15.
(G) Bicistronic reporter mRNAs were transiently expressed as described in (E). actin(inv) serves as a spacer sequence control. Average Fluc/Rluc IRES-like activity ± SEM, n = 3–8.
(H) Schematic of monocistronic “mini UTR” Fluc and control Rluc reporter mRNAs. IRES-like elements and spacer-derivatives were introduced into the Fluc 5’ UTR, and Fluc/Rluc luciferase activity was measured in transiently plasmid-transfected C3H/10T1/2 cells. A co-expressed Rluc reporter served as reference. Average Fluc/Rluc activity is normalized to respective globin/NupL1 mRNA levels ± SEM, n = 3–7; -, TIE alone; ns, not significant.