Depletion of MRN proteins correlates with chromatin breakage.
(A–C, F–J, and L) Localization and mean intensity of INCENP, Mre11, phospho-ATM-Ser1981 (pATM-Ser1981) or V5-INCENP at the midbody in telophase BE cells with chromatin bridges. Cells were transfected or treated with 25 µM mirin for 4 h. Values represent mean ± SD from n cells. Values in control or WT control were set to 1. Broken chromatin bridges are indicated by dotted arrows. Insets show 1.6× magnification of the midbodies. Scale bars, 5 µm. (D and E) Fluorescence (t = 0 min) and phase-contrast live-cell imaging of HeLa cells expressing LAP2b:RFP. Cells were treated with 10 µM KU-55933 immediately before filming. Time is from the detection of the intercellular canals containing LAP2b:RFP bridges. Intact intercellular canals are indicated by solid arrows and broken canals are indicated by dotted arrows. Related to Video 9. (K and M) Frequency of broken chromatin bridges in BE cells in cytokinesis. Values represent mean ± SD from three independent experiments (n > 150). ***, P < 0.001 (ANOVA and Student’s t test). (N) Proposed mechanism by which the MRN–ATM–Chk2–INCENP pathway delays abscission in cytokinesis with chromatin bridges. AurB, Aurora B; p, phosphorylation; S, serine.