Fig 5. Calcium retention capacity in mitochondria from CBD and DCD hearts with and without reperfusion.
(A). Subsarcolemmal (SSM) or interfibrillar mitochondria (IFM) were isolated from CBD hearts (n = 5) or from DCD hearts with 25 or 35 minutes of ischemia (n = 5, each). Pulses of calcium were added at 1minute intervals to 0.4mg protein of SSM or IFM incubated with calcium retention capacity (CRC) buffer and calcium green. *p<0.05 vs CBD group, using one-way ANOVA. (B.) SSM and IFM were isolated from CBD hearts with no reperfusion or with 60 minutes of reperfusion (n = 8). CRC was measured as described above. *p<0.05 vs CBD group with no reperfusion, using two tailed non paired t-test. (C.) SSM and IFM were isolated from DCD hearts with no reperfusion (n = 5), with10 or 60 minutes of reperfusion (n = 8, each). CRC was measured as described above. Data are expressed as mean ±SEM. * p<0.05 vs DCD with no reperfusion group; ǂp<0.05 vs DCD with 10 minutes of reperfusion group, using one -way ANOVA.