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. 2020 Dec 15;11:580753. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.580753

Table 1.

Summary of the meta-analyses to answer four research questions about plant reliance on phenolic compound induction following insect feeding or microorganism colonization.

Research question Phenolic class Inducer/Plant type K N t P % change CI lower CI upper
Do phenolic levels increase in response to insects or microorganisms? Total phenolics All 111 51 5.71 <0.0001 45.37 27.42 65.83
Insects 25 12 3.94 0.0002 34.78 15.89 56.75
Bacteria 38 25 6.48 <0.0001 56.14 36.00 79.25
Fungi 43 21 5.14 <0.0001 41.67 23.61 62.34
Oomycetes 5 3 1.50 0.1400 46.64 −12.25 145.05
Flavonoids All 82 31 3.69 0.0010 57.32 22.26 102.43
Insects 27 9 1.43 0.1581 27.66 −9.34 79.75
Bacteria 24 16 3.39 0.0018 61.98 21.30 116.30
Fungi 22 9 5.90 <0.0001 159.97 87.87 259.74
Other Microbes 9 6 −0.19 0.8480 −3.27 −31.50 36.59
Hydroxycinnamic acids All 51 18 4.13 0.0020 125.62 45.41 250.08
Insects 27 8 1.74 0.0883 138.14 43.92 294.01
Bacteria 11 9 1.31 0.2074 121.49 −38.50 697.73
Fungi 9 7 2.17 0.0415 91.94 2.80 258.37
Other Microbes 4 2 1.43 0.1688 83.42 32.13 344.51
Do phenolic level changes differ depending on whether plants were colonized with beneficial microorganisms or pathogens? Total phenolics Beneficial Bacteria 24 16 4.84 <0.001 73.78 21.84 147.86
Pathogenic Bacteria 14 7 3.24 0.0039 78.21 39.21 128.12
Beneficial Fungi 15 8 4.96 <0.0001 63.44 33.54 100.07
Pathogenic Fungi 28 18 1.71 0.1006 16.91 −3.65 41.79
Do phenolic level changes differ depending on how insects feed on plants? Total Phenolics Chewing Insects 11 5 2.72 0.0272 60.46 7.17 140.25
Piercing–Sucking Insects 9 5 −0.09 0.9297 −1.70 −36.91 53.16
Wood-Boring Insects 5 2 −1.01 0.3385 −24.88 −60.47 42.78
Do phenolic level changes differ whether infested/inoculated plants are annuals or perennials? Total Phenolics Annuals 68 35 5.81 <0.0001 72.86 31.80 126.73
Perennials 43 16 1.88 0.0662 38.85 5.15 83.33
Flavonoids Annuals 51 20 4.12 0.0003 78.53 35.50 135.23
Perennials 31 11 2.40 0.0220 42.28 7.22 88.78
Hydroxycinnamic Acids Annuals 38 12 3.54 0.0060 126.42 34.61 280.80
Perennials 13 6 1.65 0.1371 122.55 −27.13 579.64

Meta-analyses number of case studies used in each category (K), number of corresponding articles (N), t-statistics, and p-values (P) are provided, as well as the mean percent change in phenolic levels in induced plants compared to controls [with 95% confidence intervals (CI)].