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. 2020 Dec 15;11:586134. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.586134


Recruitment and dropout rates.

Type of arts therapies No of children recruited No of children completed Dropouts occurred (group) Dropout stage Dropout justification
AT 16 14 2 (from control) During sessions 1 hospitalization 1 moved abroad
DT 16 14 2 (1 from each group) Before sessions 2 did not wish to miss PE classes
DMT 16 16
MT 14* 12 2 (from intervention) Before and during 1 left school 1 did not want to miss the assembly
Total 62 56 6

*Seven (instead of eight) children per group were recruited in the music therapy group due to the music therapist’s concerns about the group size. AT, art therapy; DT, dramatherapy; DMT, dance movement therapy; MT, music therapy.