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. 2020 Jun 30;16(1):508–522. doi: 10.1016/j.jds.2020.06.019

Table 2.

Details of the studies that have used AI based models in various specialties of dentistry for diagnosis, treatment planning, clinical decision making, predicting the need for treatment, and predicting the prognosis.

Serial no Authors Year of publication Algorithm
Objective of the study No. of images/photographs for testing Study factor Modality Evaluation accuracy/average accuracy Comparison if any Results (+)effective,
(−)non effective
(N) neutral
Outcomes Authors suggestions/recommendations
1 Devito et al.11 2008 ANNs AI based model for diagnosing the proximal dental caries 160 Tooth Decay Bite-wing Radiographs ROC curve area of 0.884 25 examiners (+) Effective This neural network could improve the performance of diagnosing proximal caries. None
2 Xie et al.12 2010 ANNs ANN based AI model for deciding if extractions are necessary prior to orthodontic treatment 200 Tooth malocclusion Lateral cephalometric radiographs Accuracy of 80% Not mentioned (+)Effective ANN was effective in determining whether extraction or non-extraction treatment was best for malocclusion patients None
3 Saghiri et al.13 2012 ANNs ANN based AI model for determining the working length 50 Tooth Human cadavers Accuracy of 96% 2 Endodontists (+)Effective The accuracy of ANN was more than the endodontists The ANN model is accurate method for working length determination
4 Saghiri et al.14 2012 ANNs ANN system for locating the minor apical foramen (AF) 50 Tooth Human dried skull Accuracy of 93% Endodontists (+)Effective ANN can useful for secondary opinion for locating the AF on radiographs and it can be helpful in enhancing the accuracy in determining the working length ANN can be used for decision making similar clinical scenarios
5 Jung et al.15 2016 ANNs Artificial Intelligence expert system for orthodontic decision-making of required permanent tooth extraction 156 Tooth malocclusion Lateral cephalometric radiographs Accuracy of 92% 1 Experienced orthodontists (+)Effective The success rates of the models were 92% for the system's recommendations for extraction vs non extraction AI expert systems with neural network machine learning could be useful in orthodontics
6 Johari et al.16 2017 PNNs Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) for diagnosing (VRFs) in intact and the teeth that has undergone endodontic treatment 240 Tooth CBCT and periapical radiographs Accuracy of 96.6, sensitivity of 93.3 and specificity of 100% Not mentioned (+)Effective The designed neural network can be used as a proper model for the diagnosis of VRFs on CBCT images of endodontically treated and intact teeth; CBCT images were more effective than periapical radiographs. None
7 Tobel et al.17 2017 CNNs An automated technique for staging the development of lower third molar. 200 Tooth Panoramic radiographs (OPG) Mean ICC was 0.95 2 observers (+)Effective Deep CNN based AI system demonstrated similar results to the results demonstrated by other trained examiners. Further optimization is required to achieve a fully automated system for estimating the dental age.
8 Aubreville et al.18 2017 CNNs AI based automatic system for diagnosing (OSCC) oral squamous cell carcinoma 7894 Oral cavity Confocal laser endomicroscopy (CLE) images AUC of 0.96 and a mean accuracy of 88.3%, sensitivity 86.6%, specificity 90% Not clear (+)Effective This approach was found to outperform the state of the art in CLE image recognition None
9 Imangaliyev et al.19 2017 CNNs CNN model for the automatic classification of red fluorescent dental plaque images. 427 Tooth Quantitative light-induced fluorescence images Predictive accuracy of 0.89% Reference models (+)Effective CNN model prediction performance was higher than other models. None
10 Niño-Sandoval et al.20 2017 ANNs AI based model for predicting the mandibular morphology 229 Anatomical landmarks Lateral cephalograms Coefficients from 0.84 until 0.99 Support vector regression (+)Effective This model demonstrated high predictability ability This model may be the key for facial reconstruction
11 Zhang et al.21 2018 ANNs ANN for predicting postoperative facial swelling following the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. 100 Face Data set Accuracy of 98.00% 1 Oral surgeon (+)Effective This AI based model proved to be an accurate in predicting of the facial swelling following the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. None
12 Lee et al.22 2018 CNNs (DCNN)-Based Computer-Assisted Diagnosis (CAD) systems. Single-Column DCNN (SC-DCNN), Single-Column with Data Augmentation DCNN (SC-DCNN Augment) and Multicolumn DCNN (MC-DCNN). 200 Face Panoramic radiographs (OPG) (AUC) values obtained using SC-DCNN was 0.9763, SC-DCNN (Augment) was 0.9991, MC-DCNN for 0.9987 2 Experienced oral and maxillofacial radiologists (+)Effective The system that was based on DCNN was effective in detecting osteoporosis and also demonstrated high agreement with the experienced oral and maxillofacial radiologists None
13 Lee et al.23 2018 CNNs Diagnosing and predicting of PCT using a computer -assisted detection system based on a deep CNN 348 Tooth Intra oral periapical radiographs Mean predictive accuracy of 78.9% 3 calibrated board-certified periodontists (+)Effective The DCNN based model was effective and efficient in diagnosing and predicting of (PCT). Further optimization of the PCT dataset is required for improvement
14 Thanathornwong24 2018 Bayesian network (BNs) Bayesian network (BN) for predicting the need for orthodontic treatment. 1000 Tooth malocclusion Data sets AUC (0.91) 2 Experienced orthodontists (+)Effective This BN based system; and demonstrated promising results with high degree of accuracy in the need for orthodontic treatment. None
15 Zhang et al.25 2018 CNNs Teeth recognition using label tree with cascade network structure. 200 Tooth Intra oral periapical radiographs Precision of 95.8% Reference models (+)Effective This approach demonstrated a high precision of 95.8% and recall of 96.1%. None
16 Lee et al.26 2018 CNNs AI based deep learning system for detecting and diagnosing dental caries 600 Dental caries Intraoral periapical radiographic images Mean AUC of 0.890 4 calibrated board-certified dentists (+)Effective This DCNN based system algorithm performed considerably good in detection dental caries on periapical radiographs. None
17 Yauney et al.27 2018 CNNs AI based system for automated oral health screenings and cross correlations of oral-systemic health 810 Periodontium Intraoral fluorescence images AUC of 0.677, precision of 0.271, Recall of 0.429 Dentists (+)Effective This automated process was effective in correlating poor periodontal health with systemic health outcomes Machine learning, can be used for automated diagnoses and systemic health screenings for other diseases
18 Kök et al.28 2019 ANNs AI algorithms for determining the stages of the growth and development by cervical vertebrae 300 Cervical Vertebrae Cephalometric radiographs Mean accuracy of 77.02% 1 orthodontists (+)Effective ANN could be the preferred method for determining cervical vertebrae stages None
19 Park JH et al.29 2019 CNNs Comparing latest deep-CNN based systems for identifying cephalometric landmarks 283 Landmarks Cephalometric radiographs 5% higher accuracy with (YOLOv3) than Single (SSD) Single shot multibox detector (SSD) (+)Effective You-Only-Look-Once model outperformed in accuracy and computational time than the shot multibox detector This model can be used in clinical practice for identifying the cephalometric landmarks.
20 Choi et al.30 2019 ANNs ANN based model for deciding on surgery/non-surgery and determining extractions. 316 Landmarks Lateral cephalometric radiographs ICC 0.97–0.99 1 Experienced orthodontists (+)Effective This ANN based model demonstrated higher success rate in deciding on surgery/non-surgery and was also successful in deciding on the extractions. This ANN based model will be useful in diagnosing of orthognathic surgery cases.
21 Patcas. et al.31 2019 CNNs AI system for describing the impact of orthognathic treatments on facial attractiveness and age appearance 2164 Facial landmarks Facial photographs Not Clear Not mentioned (+)Effective This CNN based AI system can be used for scoring facial attractiveness and apparent age in patients under orthognathic treatments. None
22 Casalegno et al.32 2019 CNNs AI based model for detecting and localizing dental lesions in Near-Infrared Transillumination (TI) images 217 Dental caries Near-infrared transillumination (TI) imaging ROC of 83.6 for occlusal and ROC of 84.6% for proximal Dental experts with clinical experience (+)Effective This CNN based model demonstrated promising results with increased speed and accuracy in detecting caries. None
23 Fukuda et al.33 2019 CNNs CNN based AI system for detection of vertical root fracture (VRF) 60 Tooth Panoramic radiographs (OPG) Precision of 0.93
Recall was 0.75
F- Measure of 0.83.
2 radiologists and 1 endodontist (+)Effective The CNN based AI model is an efficient tool in detecting VRFs None
24 Kise et al.34 2019 CNNs AI system for detection of Sjögren's syndrome (SjS) on CT, and comparing its performance with radiologists 100 Salivary glands Computed tomography (CT) images Accuracy of 96.0, Sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 92.0% 6 radiologists (+)Effective The deep learning system demonstrated a higher diagnostic performance Can be used as a diagnostic support while interpreting CT images
25 Hiraiwa et al.35 2019 CNNs AI system for classifying root morphologies of mandibular first molars 760 Tooth Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) Images Accuracy of 86.9% 2 radiologists (+)Effective The deep learning system demonstrated high accuracy in the differential diagnosis of a single or extra root in the distal roots of mandibular first molars. None
26 Tuzoff et al.36 2019 CNNs CNN based AI system for automatic teeth detection and numbering 222 Tooth Panoramic radiographs (OPG) Precision of 0.9945 and mean sensitivity of 0.987 Dental experts (+)Effective The performance of the this system was comparable to the level of performance of the experts This system can simplify the process of filling digital dental charts.
27 Ekert et al.37 2019 CNNs CNNs based AI system for detecting apical lesions (ALs) 2001 Tooth Panoramic radiographs (OPG) AUC of 0.85 (0.04) sensitivity 0.65 and specificity 0.87 6 Dentists (+)Effective This deep CNN based AI system was successful in detecting apical lesions None
28 Murata et al.38 2019 CNNs AI based system for diagnosing of maxillary sinusitis 120 Maxillary sinusitis Panoramic radiographs (OPG) Accuracy of 87.5%, sensitivity of 86.7%, specificity of 88.3%, AUC of 0.875 2 experienced radiologists, 2 dental residents. (+)Effective The AI based deep learning system demonstrated higher diagnostic performance. The deep-learning system can provide diagnostic support for inexperienced dentists
29 Chen et al.39 2019 CNNs CNN based tool package for detecting and numbering the teeth 250 Tooth Intra oral periapical films Precisions and recalls exceed 90%,
IOU of 91%
3 Dentists (+)Effective The results indicate that machines performance was close to the level of a junior dentist None
30 Vinayahalingam et al.40 2019 CNNs CNN based AI system to detect and segment the approximate of inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) to the roots of lower third molars (M3) on OPGs 81 Tooth Panoramic radiographs (OPG) Mean dice-coefficients for M3s and IAN were 0.947 ± 0.033 and 0.847 ± 0.099 Portable network graphics (PNG) files as gold standard (+)Effective Deep-learning is an encouraging approach to segment anatomical structures Further enhancement of the algorithm is advised to improve the accuracy
31 Mallishery et al.41 2019 ANNs Machine learning to generate an algorithm which can help predict the difficulty level of the case and decide on referral 500 Tooth Data Set Sensitivity of 94.96% 2 pre-calibrated endodontists (+)Effective This study provides an option for automation for increasing the speed of decision-making and referrals. An AAE endodontic case difficulty assessment form when utilized along with machine learning can assist general dentists in rapid assessment of the case difficulty
32 Patcas et al.42 2019 CNNs AI system for evaluating the facial attractiveness of patients who have undergone treatment for clefts and the facial attractiveness of controls and to compare these results with panel ratings performed by laypeople, orthodontists, and oral surgeons 30 Face Frontal and profile images Cleft cases (all Ps ≥ 0.19), for control group (all Ps ≤ 0.02) 15 laypeople, 14 orthodontists, and 10 oral surgeons (−)Non Effective AI system scores were comparable with the scores of the other groups for the cleft patients, but the scores were lower for the controls There is a need for further refinement in this AI based system
33 Krois et al.43 2019 CNNs Deep- CNN based system for detecting periodontal bone loss 2001 Periodontium Panoramic radiographs (OPG) Predictive accuracy of 81% and were similar to the examiners 6 Experienced dentists (N) Neutral CNN demonstrated similar results to that of the dentists in detecting periodontal bone loss. Machine -learning based technologies can reduce the dentists' diagnostic efforts.
34 Ariji et al.44 2019 CNNs AI system for diagnosing metastasis of lymph node. 441 Cervical lymph nodes Computed tomography (CT) images Accuracy of 78.2%, sensitivity of 75.4%, specificity of 81.0%, positive predictive value of 79.9%, negative predictive value of 77.1%, and ROC of 0.80 Not clear (N) Neutral The diagnostic results of the CNN based system were similar to the results of the radiologists. This CNN based system is a valuable for diagnostic support.
35 Ariji et al.45 2019 CNNs Performance of deep learning classification in diagnosing extranodal extension of cervical lymph node metastases in CT images 703 Cervical lymph nodes Computed tomography (CT) images Accuracy of 84.0% 4 Radiologists (+)Effective The deep learning diagnostic performance in extra nodal extension was significantly higher when compared with the performance of the radiologists This method is expected to improve diagnostic accuracy by further study with increasing sample size of patients.
36 Hung et al.46 2019 CNNs AI based model for predicting root caries 5135 Root caries Data set Accuracy of 97.1%, precision of 95.1%, sensitivity of 99.6% and specificity of 94.3%
AUC of 0.997
Trained medical personnel (+)Effective This model perform well and can be allowed for clinical implementation Can be utilized by both dental and non-dental professionals
37 Kim et al.47 2019 CNNs AI based (CNNs) for diagnosing maxillary sinusitis 200 Maxillary sinusitis Waters' view radiographs AUC of 0.93 for the temporal and 0.88
for geographic external
5 Radiologists (+)Effective AI based (CNNs) demonstrated statistically significantly higher AUC than radiologist in both test sets None
38 Schwendicke et al.48 2020 CNNs AI based (CNNs) to detect caries lesions in near-infrared-light transillumination (NILT) images. 226 Tooth decay NILT images The mean) AUC of 0.74, Sensitivity of 0.59 and specificity of 0.76
PPV was 0.63 and NPV was 0.73
2 Experienced dentists (+)Effective The model demonstrated satisfying discriminatory ability to detect caries lesions. None
39 Kunz et al.49 2020 CNNs An automated cephalometric X-ray analysis using a specialized (AI) algorithm 50 Landmarks Cephalometric radiographs Not clear 12 experienced examiners (+)Effective AI algorithm was able to analyze unknown cephalometric X-rays similar to the quality level of the experienced human examiners None
40 Hwang et al.50 2020 CNNs Deep -learning based automated system for detecting the patterns of 80 cephalometric landmarks 283 Landmarks Cephalometric radiographs Not Mentioned Human examiners (+)Effective This system accuracy in identifying of cephalometric landmarks similar to the human examiners This system might be a viable option when repeated identification of multiple cephalometric landmarks.
41 Lee et al.51 2020 CNNs Deep (CNNs), on the classification of specific features of osteoporosis 136 Face Dental panoramic radiographs (DPRs) ROC of 0.858 Gold standard reference models (+)Effective This Deep (CNNs), could of use and reliable system for automated screening of osteoporosis patients. None
42 Patil et al.52 2020 ANNs ANN for gender determination 509 Mandible Panoramic radiographs (OPG) Accuracy of 75% 1 experienced oral and maxillofacial radiologist (+)Effective ANN proved as a good tool for predicting the gender and can be applied in the forensic sciences for near accurate results. This automated application is promising for identifying gender or age with minimal errors
43 Yu et al.53 2020 CNNs AI based skeletal diagnostic system 5890 Anatomical landmarks Lateral cephalograms Mean AUC of >95% 2 orthodontists (+)Effective This model demonstrated excellent performance for skeletal orthodontic diagnosis None

ANNs = Artificial Neural Networks, CNNs = Convolutional Neural Networks, DCNNs = Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, BN = Bayesian Network, PNN = Probabilistic Neural Network, ROC = Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, AUC = Area Under the Curve, ICC = Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, F = F- measure, VRF = Vertical Root Fracture, PTC = Periodontal Compromised Teeth, Positive/Negative Predictive Values (PPV/NPV).