Figure 6.
Bmal1 is relatively well maintained in the pineal gland of old turquoise killifish brain
(A) Subcellular localization of Bmal1 and Clockb in the turquoise killifish brain. Green, red, and blue colors represent Clockb, Bmal1, and DAPI (nuclear marker) staining, respectively.
(B) Co-localization of Bmal1 and Clockb in the telencephalon, optic tectum, rhombencephalon, and SCN of the turquoise killifish brain.
(C) Whole brain immunostaining of Bmal1 and Clockb in young and old turquoise killifish brains.
(D) Bmal1 and Clockb localization in the pineal gland of young and old fish brains. Abbreviations “A” and “P” in the figure represent directions toward the anterior and posterior sides of the brain, respectively.