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. 2020 Apr 20;12:95. doi: 10.1007/s40820-020-00438-w

Table 2.

Water quality analysis with 2D TMDC-based FET sensors: device structure and sensing performance

Water quality analysis FET channel Probe LOD/sensitivity Response time References
Ions H+ MoS2 HfO2 pH 3–9 (60.13 mV/dec) [81]
MoS2 Al2O3/HfO2 pH 0.01 (59.6 mV/dec) [127]
MoS2 (1L) Ionic liquid-gate –/(4.4 V/pH) [162]
MoS2/WS2/MoS2 pH 4–8 (59 mV/dec) [128]
Hg2+ MoS2 30 pM  ~ 10 s [20]
MoS2 DNA 0.1 nM 1–2 s [21]
Cd2+ MoS2 Cd2+ ionophore 5 ng/mL 8 s [129]
AsO33− MoS2 CPPy 1 pM  < 1 s [130]
AsO2 MoS2 AsO2 ionophore 0.1 ppb 100–210 s [22]
Non-ionics H2O2 MoS2 rGO 1 pM seconds [24]
Kanamycin MoS2 DNA 1.06 nM 20 s [133]
Doxorubicin MoS2 Cu2+-DNA 5 s [132]
Enkephalin MoS2 MOR  ~ 3 nM [30]


(S. aureus)

MoS2 Vancomycin 50 cfu/mL 22.19 s [150]



MoS2 VP40 antibody fM-pM level ~ min [151]

L layer, MOR µ-opioid receptor