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. 2020 Oct 23;4(6):pkaa097. doi: 10.1093/jncics/pkaa097

Table 1.

Baseline table of all patients with a single primary cutaneous melanoma in the Netherlands from 2000 to 2014a

Characteristic Total (n = 48 361) SSM (n = 38 373) NM (n = 7059) LMM (n = 2500) ALM (n = 429)
Subtype, No. (%)
 SSM 38 373 (79.3)
 NM 7095 (14.6)
 LMM 2500 (5.2)
 ALM 429 (0.9)
Sex, No. (%)
 Female 27 270 (56.4) 21 978 (57.3) 3605 (51.1) 1415 (56.6) 272 (63.4)
 Male 21 091 (43.6) 16 395 (42.7) 3454 (48.9) 1085 (43.4) 157 (36.6)
Age at diagnosis, mean (SD), y 56.39 (16.07) 54.49 (15.44) 61.07 (16.88) 71.09 (12.37) 63.70 (14.82)
 18-35 5118 (10.6) 4507 (11.7) 547 (8.1) 22 (0.9) 15 (3.5)
 36-55 17 974 (37.2) 15 629 (40.7) 1975 (28.0) 261 (10.4) 109 (25.4)
 56-75 18 899 (39.1) 14 583 (38.0) 2919 (41.4) 1193 (47.7) 204 (47.6)
 >75 6370 (13.2) 3554 (9.5) 1591 (22.5) 1024 (41.0) 101 (23.5)
Breslow, median (IQR), mm 0.86 (0.50-1.60) 0.76 (0.50-1.20) 2.80 (1.75-4.50) 0.60 (0.38-1.00) 2.02 (1.20-4.00)
 0.1-0.7 20 545 (42.5) 18 716 (48.8) 173 (2.5) 1601 (64.0) 55 (12.8)
 0.8-1.0 7987 (16.5) 7269 (18.9) 378 (5.4) 309 (12.4) 31 (7.2)
 1.1-2.0 10 576 (21.9) 8263 (21.5) 1815 (25.7) 368 (14.7) 130 (30.3)
 2.1-4.0 6148 (12.7) 3161 (8.2) 2717 (38.5) 159 (6.4) 111 (25.9)
 >4.0 3105 (6.4) 964 (2.5) 1976 (28.0) 63 (2.5) 102 (23.8)
Localization, No. (%)
 Head and neck 5983 (12.4) 3186 (8.3) 1137 (16.1) 1660 (66.4) 0 (0)
 Trunk 20 438 (42.3) 17 527 (45.7) 2651 (37.6) 260 (10.4) 0 (0)
 Arms 7035 (14.5) 5442 (14.2) 1231 (17.4) 280 (11.2) 82 (19.1)
 Legs 13 358 (27.6) 10 969 (28.6) 1805 (25.6) 240 (9.6) 334 (77.9)
 Missing 1547 (3.2) 1249 (3.3) 235 (3.3) 60 (2.4) 3 (0.7)
Ulceration, No. (%)
 No 34 480 (71.3) 29 233 (76.2) 3243 (45.9) 1176 (47.0) 228 (53.2)
 Yes 6042 (12.5) 3035 (7.9) 2732 (38.7) 128 (5.1) 147 (34.3)
 Missing 7839 (16.2) 6105 (15.9) 1084 (15.4) 1196 (47.8) 54 (12.6)
AJCC stage at time of diagnosis, No. (%)
 I 35 442 (73.3) 31 586 (82.3) 1535 (21.7) 2160 (86.4) 161 (37.5)
 II 10 618 (22.0) 5347 (13.9) 4727 (67.0) 335 (13.4) 209 (48.7)
 III 2301 (4.8) 1140 (3.8) 797 (11.3) 5 (0.2) 59 (13.8)
Deaths, No. (%) 8619 (17.8) 5230 (13.6) 2665 (37.8) 583 (23.3) 141 (32.9)
Follow-up, median (IQR), mo 73.8 (43.5-120.7) 76.9 (45.8-123.9) 62.6 (33.6-114.0) 59.4 (34.4-97.2) 56.6 (34.9-93.2)

AJCC = American Joint Committee on Cancer; ALM = acral lentiginous melanoma; IQR = interquartile range; LMM = lentiginous malignant melanoma; NM = nodular melanoma; SSM = superficial spreading melanoma.