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. 2020 Dec 2;12(6):686–695. doi: 10.4300/JGME-D-20-00093.1

Table 2.

Studies of Residents in Training

Author (y) No. of Subjects Participants No. of Sessions Goal Art Medium and Intervention Style Measurement Results Control Group
Reilly et al,20 (2005) N/A Family medicine residents and faculty 1 Team building Visit to museum and discussion of FA Subjective participant feedback Improved team building and analytical thinking No
Kirklin et al,21 (2007) 68 General practitioners and nurses 1 OS Workshop where blindfolded participants described the feeling of household objects Comparison of descriptions on pre- and posttests Improvement in OSa Yes
Huang et al,12 (2016) 27 Dermatology residents 4 Observational skills, description skills, awareness of assumptions, and tolerance of ambiguity Visit to museum and discussion of FA and clinical images Comparison of descriptions on pre- and posttests Improvement between mean number of observationsa No
Goodman and Kelleher,22 (2017) 15 Radiology residents 1 OS Visit to museum and discussion of FA Comparison of abnormality detections on pre- and posttests Improvement detecting abnormalities on radiographsa No
Griffin et al,23 (2017) 7 Dermatology residents 5 OS Visit to museum and discussion of FA Comparison of descriptions on pre- and posttests and subjective feedback Improvement in OS according to participant feedback; no statistically significant improvement in pre and posttests scores that tested for OS Yes
Zazulak et al,24 (2017) 15 OB-GYN and family medicine residents 4 Increase empathy, compassion, and mindfulness Visit to museum and discussion of various art and dance led by art instructors; participants also created their own artwork Comparison of pre- and post-surveys, and subjective participant feedback No significant increase in overall empathy, compassion, or mindfulness
Increase in subdomains of mindfulnessa
Pristach et al,25 (2018) N/A Psychiatry residents 1 Increase OS, specifically regarding psychological themes Visit to museum and discussion of various art led by art instructors Subjective participant feedback Increased OS that participants feel will be applicable in clinical setting No
Yakhforoshha et al,26 (2018) 19 Oncology fellows 1 Communication skills Lecture on communication skills, role playing, reflective writing, and small group discussion of art, music, film Comparison of pre- and post-objective assessment Improvement in 3 of 7 domains of the checklista No
Harrison and Chiota-McCollum,27 (2019) 18 Neurology residents 11 Communication skills, OS, awareness of point of view, and appreciation of the narrative context of illness Classroom discussion of various visual art and works of literature Comparison of pre- and post-self-assessment Increased CS, OS, and understanding of narrative medicine No
Emami et al,28 (2019) 19 Oncology fellows 1 Communication skills Various mediums and lectures by art and medical faculty Comparison of pre- and post-self-assessment Improved in all domains, with notable importance of communication in medical context and learninga No
Marr et al,29 (2019) 17 Emergency medicine attendings, residents, midlevel providers 2 Reduce implicit bias, improve clinical skills with pain patients Visit to museum and discussion of FA led by art and medical faculty Subjective participant feedback Positive change in how they make observations and communicate with patients No
Orr et al,30 (2019) 17 Internal medicine residents 1 Combat burnout Visit to museum and discussion of FA led by art instructors Comparison or pre- and post-self-assessments Decreased emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and increased sense of personal accomplishment No

Abbreviations: N/A, no answer; FA, fine arts; OS, observational skills; CS, clinical skills; OB-GYN, obstetrics and gynecology.


Indicates statistical significance.