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. 2020 Nov 17;1(6):1602–1613. doi: 10.1002/emp2.12308


Descriptive comparison of outcomes at the intervention site only: Paper‐based decision support (pre period) versus ePATH (post period)

Intervention site: Paper‐based tool (April 2013–February 2016) Intervention site: ePath tool (March 2016–July 2017) P a
All ED visits 332 minutes 280 minutes <0.001
Median ED Length of Stay
ED visits for admitted patients 246 minutes 239 minutes 0.17
ED visits for discharged patients 410 minutes 321 minutes <0.001
Median Hospital Length of Stay 
Hospital LOS b 517 minutes 431 minutes <0.001
Admit overall 28.2% 20.9% <0.001
Admit to floor 22.9% 17.8% 0.002
Admit to ICU 5.2% 3.2% <0.001
Proportion Receiving Stress Test
Stress Test 15.8% 12.7% 0.001
Major adverse cardiac events
MI 5.7% 6.1% 0.30
CABG 0.58% 0.72% 0.56
PCI 2.3% 2.5% 0.69
Death c 0.33% 0.34% 0.96

CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; CDS, clinical decision support; ED, emergency department; ePATH, electronic health record‐embedded clinical pathway; ICU, intensive care unit; MI, myocardial infarction; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention.


Wilcoxon rank sum test was calculated to determine if there were significant differences before and after the implementation of each decision support tool.


Defined as arrival in ED to discharge from hospital, inclusive of any time admitted to inpatient service.


Defined as death from any cause.