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. 2020 Dec 15;2(2):fcaa184. doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa184

Table 1.

Group by elapsed time interactions by VOI

VOI β SE df t P P Bonferroni
Whole brain −8417.702 6623.368 60.3 −1.27 0.209 1
Cerebrum −6864.891 6402.336 60.3 −1.07 0.288 1
Cerebral GM −5325.858 3680.643 59.9 −1.45 0.153 1
Cerebral WM 82.611 2117.327 60.7 0.039 0.969 1
Cerebellum −1111.813 337.35 60 −3.3 0.00165 0.0562
Cerebellar Lobules 1 and 2 6.182 2.126 60.3 2.91 0.00508 0.173
Cerebellar Lobule 3 −3.674 10.721 60.2 −0.343 0.733 1
Cerebellar Lobule 4 −14.073 19.859 60.4 −0.709 0.481 1
Cerebellar Lobule 5 −104.775 40.724 58.8 −2.57 0.0126 0.43
Cerebellar Lobule 6 −191.258 41.204 60.3 −4.64 1.91 × 10−5 6.51 × 10−4
Cerebellum Crus 1 −212.965 121.987 60.4 −1.75 0.0859 1
Cerebellum Crus 2 −397.944 197.379 61.9 −2.02 0.0481 1
Cerebellar Lobule 7b −5.103 106.154 61 −0.0481 0.962 1
Cerebellar Lobule 8a 154.298 91.619 60.9 1.68 0.0973 1
Cerebellar Lobule 8b 57.53 61.447 60.4 0.936 0.353 1
Cerebellar Lobule 9 −45.321 41.75 59.4 −1.09 0.282 1
Cerebellar Lobule 10 28.049 17.78 59.8 1.58 0.12 1
Cerebellar WM and deep nuclei −258.66 56.339 60.5 −4.59 2.28 × 10−5 7.76 × 10−4
Corpus callosum −26.852 15.458 60.2 −1.74 0.0875 1
Frontal lobe −5563.115 2729.405 60.1 −2.04 0.0459 1
Occipital lobe 521.456 740.068 60 0.705 0.484 1
Parietal lobe −480.415 1743.822 59.8 −0.275 0.784 1
Temporal lobe 1107.655 1093.294 60.1 1.01 0.315 1
Caudate −106.223 25.915 59.8 −4.1 0.000127 0.00432
Putamen −136.797 28.651 59.2 −4.77 1.22E-05 0.000416
Pallidum −75.485 14.032 60 −5.38 1.3E-06 4.41E-05
Accumbens 12.328 31.652 60.4 0.39 0.698 1
Hippocampus −4.378 11.367 58.8 −0.385 0.702 1
Amygdala −8.45 7.248 59.8 −1.17 0.248 1
Thalamus −59.833 49.289 58.8 −1.21 0.23 1
Hypothalamus+ −78.27 41.578 60.5 −1.88 0.0646 1
Medulla −29.044 58.287 59.9 −0.498 0.62 1
Pons −348.144 40.743 59.9 −8.54 5.91E-12 2.01E-10
SCP −4.505 2.773 60.8 −1.62 0.109 1

GM, grey matter.