Figure 4.
Evaluation of co-medication in patients (pts) treated with dinutuximab (DB) beta with or without s.c IL-2. Cumulative number of pts that did not need (A) i.v. morphine, (B) metamizole treatment, or (C) or other i.v. supportive therapy during the DB+IL-2- (left panel; n = 53; regimen A) and DB treatment (center; n = 46; regimen B) in cycle 1 (squares), cycle 2 (circles), cycle 3 (triangles), cycle 4 (diamonds), and cycle 5 (crosses) in % of the entire cohort. Comparison of median time co-medication was delivered is displayed with boxplots (right panel; A–C, respectively). DB LTI of the 100-mg/m2 (10 days) treatment is indicated with blue and the delivery of 6 × 106 IU/m2/day IL-2 with red horizontal lines (A–C, right panels). Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann–Whitney-U-test. (A, right panel) ***P < 0.001 for cycles 1 and 3 vs. DB+IL-2. (B) ***P < 0.001 vs. DB+IL-2 for cycles 1, 3, and 4 and **P < 0.01 for cycles 2 and 5.