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. 2020 Dec 29;10:22403. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-79859-x

Table 2.

Results of bivariate and semi-partial correlation analyses.

Cortisol 2-AG AEA SEA1 OEA1 PEA2
Quantitative workload
rS 0.419** − 0.122 − 0.202 − 0.186* 0.046 − 0.016
p 0.005a 0.387e 0.303i 0.043l 0.618l 0.827l
Childhood maltreatment exposure (MACE-20 score)
rS − 0.023 0.290* 0.086 0.215* 0.286** 0.235**
p 0.886b 0.039f 0.669j 0.019l 0.002l 0.002l
Number of experienced major life events (private life) (LEC-5 score)
rS − 0.169 − 0.018 0.133 0.027 0.237** 0.175*
p 0.274a 0.900e 0.499i 0.771l 0.009l 0.019l
Number of experienced potentially traumatic events on duty (RESQ-CE score)
rS − 0129 − 0.052 0.091 − 0.045 0.080 − 0.026
p 0.408b − 0.716f 0.652j 0.628l 0.385l 0.731l
Severity of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PCL-5 score)
rS − 0.027 0.097 − 0.008 0.143 0.109 0.056
p 0.864c 0.503g 0.969k 0.125m 0.242m 0.458m
Severity of physical symptoms (PHQ-15 score)
rS − 0.249 − 0.087 − 0.063 0.110 0.373*** 0.204**
p 0.116d 0.551h 0.760k 0.241n < 0.001n 0.007n
Severity of depressive symptoms (PHQ-9 score)
rS − 0.208 − 0.103 − 0.050 0.279** 0.197* 0.079
p 0.192d 0.479h 0.809k 0.002n 0.035n 0.299n

*p < 0.050, **p < 0.010, ***p < 0.001, two-tailed. Bold-faced correlation are significant. Underlined p-values are significant after correction with false discovery rate. Semi-partial Spearman correlations were computed to control the associations of 1sex and hair treatment or 2sex, age, and hair treatment with the respective hair concentration. Sample sizes varied due to differing number of detected steroids and lipids in hair, as well as due to missing values in sociodemographic and psychological data (for details see the methods section). Each correlation was analysed using all respectively available data of the whole study cohort: n = a44, b43, c42, d41, e52, f51, g50, h49, i28, j27, k26, l60, m59, n58.