Figure 1.
18-year-old teenager, with moderate inflammatory acne on the face and trunk for four years, presenting scars, with a relevant negative impact on quality of life. The patient had been submitted to four cycles of oral cyclin, associated with topical combination of benzoyl peroxide and adapalene, with improvement and recurrence after two to three months. During the last cycle, the clinical picture worsened. The patient was treated with oral isotretinoin, 40 mg/kg/day (0.6 mg/kg/day), with total lesion regression after four months and maintenance for another month (total dose = 100 mg/kg/day) – regimen based on recent publications.77, 80, 81, 82 Photos before and after treatment with oral isotretinoin. Maintenance treatment with adapalene 0.1% gel, for 12 months. There was no recurrence.