Figure 1.
Effect of APS on duodenal morphologic structure in Muscovy ducklings. Duodenums from experimental groups at 15 dpi were sectioned and stained with HE, then examined by light microscopy (TESA ETALON TCM100, Switzerland) under a magnification of 100×. (A) Normal control group(NCG), 100×, (B) APS pretreatment for MDRV infected group (APG), (C) Cohabitation infection control group (CIG), (D) HE staining for observation of Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL, ↓) and goblet cells (GC, →), 400×. Abbreviations: APS, Astragalus polysaccharide; dpi, d postinfection; HE, hematoxylin–eosin stain.