A) Structural comparison of apo-SciW and apo-EagT6. Two views are shown related by an ~90° rotation. Each chaperone is colored by chain as in
Figure 4. (
B) Conserved surface residues as determined by the Consurf server. The view is a 180° rotation of panel A from
Figure 4. The domain-swap created by the beta-strands from chain A and chain B are labeled and shown with yellow bar overlays. (
C) Electrostatic surface potential of apo-SciW. The back (left, same surface as panel B) and Rhs1 binding surfaces (right) are shown. (
D) Electrostatic surface potential of apo-SciW. The convex (left, same surface as panel B) and concave (Tse6 binding) surfaces (right) are shown. (
E) Structural overlay of the four SciW-Rhs1
NT complexes in the asymmetric unit of the crystal structure. The modeled prePAAR and C-terminus of Rhs1 are indicated and colored by chain. (
F) View of the Rhs1 prePAAR region of each complex in the crystal structure. The N-terminal residue for each chain is listed. (
G) Electron density maps of SciW-Rhs1
NT Chain C and Chain G contoured at 1.4 rmsd (0.6816e/Å
3). (
H) Structural overlay of the three EagT6-Tse6
NT complexes in the asymmetric unit of the crystal structure. The modeled prePAAR and C-terminus of Tse6 are indicated and colored by chain. (
I) Electron density maps of EagT6-Tse6
NT Chain C and Chain I contoured at 1.2 rmsd (0.0344e/Å
3). The prePAAR and modelled C-terminal helix of the TMD region are labeled. A crystal packing artefact from Chain E including residue R96 that locks the prePAAR-TMD into place is shown. Electrostatic surface potentials were calculated by the adaptive-Poisson-Boltzmann server. Potentials are colored from −5 to 5 kT/e at pH 7.0. Images were created using UCSF Chimera, Coot, and Pymol.