Figure 5.
Symmetrical dot-density plot with superimposed box plot showing the distribution of the total number of cabbage root fly specimens collected in non-inoculated control plants (NIP) and root-associated entomopathogenic fungal (R-AEF)-inoculated plants at low (FIP-Low) and high concentrations of fungal inoculum (FIP-High) in (a) 2014 and (b) 2015. Dots represent individual sampled host plants. Boxplots visualize five summary statistics (the middle bar = median; box = inter-quartile range; bars extend to 1.5× the inter-quartile range the median). Stars represent *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, N.S. not significant. Letters above points indicate significant differences between types of treatments (Tukey’s test: p < 0.05).