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. 2020 Dec 17;11:574898. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.574898


Means, standard deviations, and correlationsa,b.

Variables M s.d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
01. Age 34.25 7.78
02. Tenure 8.64 6.53 0.77***
03. Surface Acting 7.64 1.97 −0.14** −0.11** (0.72) [0.70]
04. Deep Acting 9.72 2.18 −0.02 −0.01 0.15** (0.85) [0.82]
05. Extraversion 26.25 4.34 0.01 0.02 −0.13** 0.12** (0.80) [0.76]
06. Agreeableness 32.83 4.40 0.13** 0.16** −0.20** 0.10** 0.20** (0.79) [0.77]
07. Conscientiousness 30.57 4.87 0.25** 0.25** −0.19** 0.13** 0.26** 0.37** (0.82) [0.71]
08. Neuroticism 22.88 4.77 −0.18** −0.13** 0.19** −0.04 −0.35** −0.33** −0.41** (0.82) [0.70]
09. Openness 32.44 4.42 0.12** 0.04 0.01 0.14** 0.33** 0.24** 0.31** −0.21** (0.75) [0.70]
10. Sleep problem 6.14 2.92 −0.09** 0.03 0.09* −0.002 −0.05 −0.002 −0.05 0.27** −0.13** (0.81) [-]
11. Job Satisfaction 24.12 5.36 0.21** 0.19** −0.14** 0.12** 0.28** 0.28** 0.23** −0.26** 0.17** −0.13** (.91) [.87]
12. Job Performance 2.86 0.67 0.14* 0.05 −0.05 0.02 0.07** 0.06 0.11** −0.08* 0.05 −0.13** .05 -

aCoefficient alphas appear on the diagonal in parentheses. bThe square root of average variance extracted (AVE) are in square brackets on the diagonal. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.