Effects of JMF1907 and J4 on sEPSCs recorded from hippocampal granule cells. (A,B) Sample traces of sEPSCs from wild-type mice before and after 1 μg L– 1 JMF1907 and J4 perfusion. The cumulative histograms were obtained from the same neurons illustrated in panel (A,B) before and after drugs treatment. The result showed a decrease in sEPSCs frequency (C,D, as measured by the inter-event intervals, p < 0.0001) but not amplitude (G, p = 0.54; H, p = 0.66, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test) after JMF1907 and J4 treatment. (E,F,I,J) Changes in the average frequency and amplitude of sEPSCs after 0.05-, 1-, and 10 μg L– 1 JMF1907 and J4 application. These results indicate that both JMF1907 and J4 can reduce the sEPSCs frequency in a dose-dependent manner. Data are given as mean ± SEM (n = 3–5 neurons per group obtained from 2 to 3 animals). Statistical significance (*p < 0.05) was evaluated with Student’s t–test.