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. 2020 Dec 17;7:580803. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2020.580803

Table 1.

Summary of studies investigating fecal biomarkers for the prediction of relapses in inflammatory bowel disease.

References Location Age median or mean* (range) Disease N Time interval Optimal cut-off Median/mean* P-value Sensitivity/
specificity %
PPV/NPV % Method
Relapse Non-relapse
Buisson et al. (53) US 25.9* CD 112 1 yr 100 μg/g - - - 76/86 77/85 ELISA (Genova diagnostics)
UC 48
Ferreiro-Iglesias et al. (54) Spain 44 (18–78) CD 71 4 mons >300 μg/g 477 μg/g 65 μg/g <0.005 100/80 78.3/100 Lateral flow assay (Buhlmann)
UC 24
Kittanakom et al. (55) Canada CD: 14.6 (11–17)UC: 14.1 (11–17) IBD 40 - 400 μg/g - - - 100/75.9 58.8/100 ELISA (PhiCal)
- 800 μg/g - - - 100/72.4 55.6/100 Fluorescence enzyme immunoassay (Phadia)
- 500 μg/g - - - 100/72.4 55.6/100 ELISA (Buhlmann)
Diederen et al. (56) Netherlands 14.9 (all <18) IBD 114 6 mons 350 μg/g 370 μg/g 122 μg/g 0.003 82/79 41/96 -
Roblin et al. (57) France 35 CD 119 6 mons >250 μg/g and TLI <2 μg/mL - - - 94/84 73/97 Lateral flow assay (Buhlmann)
Theede et al. (58) Denmark 39* UC 70 6 and 12 mons 321 mg/kg - - - 46.7/85.5 46.7/85.5 ELISA (Buhlmann)
Ferreiro-Iglesias et al. (59) Spain 46 (18–68) IBD 53 2 mons 160 μg/g 332 μg/g* 110 μg/g* <0.005 91.7/82.9 68.7/96.1 Lateral flow assay (Buhlmann)
41 (18–43) CD 33 160 μg/g 287 μg/g* 94 μg/g* <0.005 87.5/84.0 66.9/94.8
51 (19–68) UC 20 198 μg/g 420 μg/g* 136 μg/g* <0.005 100/81.3 48.5/100
Ferreiro-Iglesias et al. (60) Spain 38 (24–64) CD 30 4 mons 204 μg/g 625 μg/g 45 μg/g <0.005 100/85.7 74.1/100 Lateral flow assay (Buhlmann)
Delefortrie et al. (61) Belgium 43 CD 29 6 mons 183.5 μg/g 667 μg/g 109 μg/g <0.05 100/76.2 61/100 Lateral flow assay (Buhlmann)
124.5 μg/g 339.5 μg/g 71.4 μg/g <0.05 87.5/66.66 50/93.5 Chemiluminescent immunoassay (Liaison). Samples extracted with Liaison extraction device
106.5 μg/g 261.5 μg/g 37.6 μg/g <0.05 87.5/95.2 87.5/95 Chemiluminescent immunoassay (Liaison). Samples extracted with weighing protocol
Mooiweer et al. (62) Netherlands 50 (19–71) CD 20 12 mons 56 μg/g& 284 μg/g 37 μg/g <0.01 64/100 20/100 ELISA (Ridascreen)
Yamamoto et al. (63) Japan 35 (18–74) UC 80 40 wks Elevated level ≥55 μg/g 76.5 μg/g 15.5 μg/g <0.0001 88/80 66/94 ELISA (Cell sciences)
Scaioli et al. (64) Italy 40 (16–89) UC 74 1 yr 193 μg/g 218 μg/g 48 μg/g <0.01 65/98 92/88 ELISA (Calprest)
Yamamoto et al. (65) Japan 35.1* (20–75) UC 80 12 mons 170 μg/g 173.7 μg/g* 135.5 μg/g* 0.02 76/76 -/- ELISA (Cell sciences)
Jauregui-Amezaga et al. (66) Spain 46* UC 64 1 yr 250 μg/g 200 μg/g 75 μg/g 0.75 41/85 -/80 ELISA (Cerba internacional)
Naismith et al. (67) UK 47* (>18) CD 92 12 mons 240 μg/g 414 μg/g 96 μg/g 0.005 80.8/74.4 28/97 ELISA (Buhlmann)
Vos et al. (68) Belgium and Norway 48* (19–79) UC 87 52 wks 300 μg/g 125 μg/g* 27 μg/g* <0.001 58.3/93.3 -/- ELISA (PhiCal)
Two consecutive measurements of >300 μg/g within 1 mon 61.5/100 -/-
Lasson et al. (69) Sweden 33 (18–74) UC 69 1 yr 169 μg/g 263 μg/g 102 μg/g 0.009 64.4/70.8 80.6/51.5 ELISA (Buhlmann)
67 2 yrs 262 μg/g 263 μg/g 124 μg/g <0.05 51.1/81.8 85.2/45.0
67 3 yrs 262 μg/g 280 μg/g 118 μg/g 0.01 52.2/85.7 88.9/45.0
Meuwis et al. (70) France and Belgium 32 CD 79 28 mons 250 μg/g - - - -/- -/- ELISA (PhiCal)
van Rheenen et al. (71) Netherlands 14.1* (<18) CD 31 3 mons 500 μg/g - - - 67/81 -/- ELISA (Calpro)
13* (<18) UC 31
Louis et al. (72) France and Belgium 32 (>17) CD 115 1 yr 300 μg/g - - - -/- -/- ELISA (PhiCal)
Laharie et al. (73) France 30.4 (15–69) CD 65 14 wks 130 μg/g 200 μg/g 150 μg/g Ns 61/48 -/- ELISA (Buhlmann)
250 μg/g 43/57 -/-
García-Sánchez et al. (74) Spain 36.9* CD 66 1 yr 200 μg/g 524 μg/g 123 μg/g <0.01 80/65 46/88 ELISA (Calprest)
40.4* UC 69 120 μg/g 298 μg/g 105 μg/g <0.01 81/63 49/88
Kallel et al. (75) Tunisia 33 (15–66) CD 53 12 mons 340 μg/g 380.5 μg/g 155 μg/g <0.001 80/90.7 -/- ELISA (Calprest)
Sipponen et al. (76) Finland 12.9 (2–17) IBD 72 12 mons 108.5 μg/g 409 μg/g 282 μg/g 0.44 38/72 -/- ELISA (PhiCal)
100 μg/g -/- 39.6/75
Gisbert et al. (77) Spain 43* IBD 163 12 mons 150 μg/g 239 μg/g 136 μg/g <0.001 69/69 30/92 ELISA (PhiCal)
CD 89 150 μg/g 266 μg/g 145 μg/g 0.002 28/93 -/-
UC 74 150 μg/g 213 μg/g 126 μg/g 0.03 31/91 -/-
D'incà et al. (78) Italy - IBD 162 1 yr 130 μg/g - - - 68/67 52/79 ELISA (Calprest)
43 (18–77) CD 65 130 μg/g 207 μg/g 88 μg/g 0.055 65/62 44/80
46 (15–80) UC 97 130 μg/g 190 μg/g 49 μg/g 0.02 70/70 60/79
Diamanti et al. (79) Italy - IBD 73 3 yrs 275 μg/g - - - 97/85 85/97 ELISA (Calprest)
16 (1.5–18) CD 32 462 μg/g - - - 100/71 78/100
12 (6–18) UC 41 275 μg/g - - - 94/95 94/95
Costa et al. (80) Italy 35.7* CD 38 12 mons 150 μg/g 220.1 μg/g 220.5 μg/g 0.395 87/43 50/83 ELISA (Calprest)
41.2* UC 41 150 μg/g 220.6 μg/g 67 μg/g <0.0001 89/82 81/90
Tibble et al. (81) UK 33 CD 43 12 mons 100 μg/g 244 μg/g 84 μg/g <0.0001 90/83 -/- ELISA (In-house)
49 UC 37 246 μg/g 58 μg/g <0.0001
Yamamoto et al. (65) Japan 35.1* (20–75) UC 80 12 mons 140 μg/g 161.5 μg/g* 130.7 μg/g* 0.03 67/68 -/- Colloidal gold agglutination assay (Alfresa Pharma Corp.)
Gisbert et al. (77) Spain 43* IBD 163 12 mons - 62% 35% <0.05 62/65 25/90 ELISA (TechLab)
Walker et al. (82) US 13.4* (2–21) IBD 55 2 mons - 845 μg/g* 190 μg/g* 0.003 -/- -/- ELISA (TechLab)
Däbritz et al. (83) Germany 37.4 (3.5–74.6) IBD 181 Predicting relapse 8–12 wks earlier 0.43 μg/g - - - 70/83 -/- ELISA (In-house)
CD 61
UC 120

Time interval: cut-off values for predicting relapse within a specified period. Concentrations of fecal markers in relapsers and non-relapsers are expressed as mean


or median. Age of patients are presented as mean (*) or median. Studies on pediatric patients are in italic.


Cut-off value for prediction of absence of relapse.

Positive lactoferrin test was more frequent in relapsing than in non-relapsing patients. TLI, trough level of infliximab; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; CD, Crohn's disease; UC, ulcerative colitis; IBD-U, inflammatory bowel disease-unclassified; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; Ns, Not statistically significant; Wk, week. Mon, month; Yr, year. -, information not available.