Figure 5.
Duration of iCAPs in different sleep stages
(A) Relative cumulated durations (RCD, in %) of iCAPs depicting each network's likelihood to occur in different sleep stages. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. The inset shows the overall trend of the iCAP durations in wakefulness/sleep stages, which are all above 100%, reflecting the tendency of iCAPs to overlap in time.
(B) RCD divided by the number of time points that an iCAP is active in the whole time course. The bars are ordered according to their descending representation in wakefulness. The broken horizontal line in each subplot indicates 25% likelihood, while the arrows in N3 subplot indicate visual and sensory-related iCAPs that are above the 25% line.
(C) Average durations (in seconds) of iCAPs, reflecting the length of continuous activity of iCAPs. The inset corresponds to the overall trend of iCAP average durations. Data in the insets are represented as mean ± SD. The horizontal lines at the bottom of the bar plot correspond to significant differences evaluated through paired t-tests and permutation testing. Horizontal lines with 3 stars and 2 stars in the insets represent significant differences with p values less than 0.001 and 0.01, respectively (corrected using Tukey's range test).