Spearman's correlation between plasma trace elements in nAMD patients and controls. Left-hand side: Correlations are depicted as observed in the controls. Right-hand side: Correlations in nAMD patients. Colors indicate positive (red) and negative (blue) correlations between the different trace elements, and significant correlations (PFDR-value <0.05) after FDR correction are indicated with an asterix (*). Black bordered squares are those correlations that were significantly different between nAMD patients and controls (Table 3). Supplementary Table 2 provides all plasma trace element correlations in nAMD patients and controls in more detail. Abbreviations: As, arsenic; Ba, barium; Ca, calcium; Cd, cadmium; Co, cobalt; Cr, chromium; Cu, copper; Fe, iron; Mg, magnesium; Mn, manganese; Mo, molybdenum; nAMD, neovascular age-related macular degeneration; Pb, lead; Sb, antimony; Se, selenium; V, vanadium; Zn, zinc. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)