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. 2020 Nov 30;11:594257. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.594257


Phytochemical compounds detected and characterized in Lithraea caustica leaves (AcOEtE-2, Phenolic-Acid Fraction), using liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometric in negative mode ionization.

PeakNo. Retention time (min [M-H]-(m/z) Fragments ions (m/z) Tentative assignment Reference
1 3.1 326.9 168.4, 124.5 Gallic acid derivative
2 4.3 169.2 124.2 Gallic acid
5 11.6 635.2 483.0, 465.1, 301.1 Trigalloyl-hexose (isomer I) Hooi Poay et al. (2011), Wyrepkowski et al. (2014)
6 13.3 289.6 244.7, 204.6, 178.7 epi-chatechin
7 14.6 635.1 483.0, 465.1, 313.1 Trigalloyl-hexose (isomer II)
633.9 Hexahydroxydiphenic acid-galloyl-hexose Gordon et al. (2011), Chisté and Mercadante (2012), Regueiro et al. (2014)
631.7 479.0, 316.9 Myricetin-O-galloyl- hexoside (isomer I)
8 15.3 454.1 326.9, 312.9, 168.4 Digalloyl-pentose
9 15.7 632.1 479.2 Myricetin-O-galloyl-hexoside (isomer II)
10 16.1 635.3 483.0, 465.0, 313.0 Trigalloyl-hexose (isomer III)
616.2 463.0, 301.0 Quercetin-O-galloyl-hexoside (isomer I)
480.0 Myricetin-O-hexoside (isomer I)
12 16.8 480.4 316.4 Myricetin-O-hexoside (isomer II)
13 17.1 615.7 463.1, 301.2 Quercetin-O-galloyl-hexoside (isomer II)
14 17.6 615.5 463.0, 300.9 Quercetin-O-galloylhexoside (isomer III)
477.9 459.0, 433.2, 313.2, 300.8 Hydroxycinnamic acid-galloyl-hexoside Zhao et al. (2013)
463.1 316.1 Myricetin-O-rhamnoside (isomer I)
15 18.0 631.1 479.0, 317.0 Myricetin-O-galloyl-hexoside (isomer III)
16 18.4 938.7 787.1, 769.0 Pentagalloyl hexose Wyrepkowski et al. (2014), Erşan et al. (2016)
17 18.7 477.2 300.8 Quercetin-O-glucuronide
463.4 316.0 Myricetin-O-rhamnoside (isomer II)
18 19 463.3 300.8 Quercetin-O-hexoside
20 19.6 615.5 493.1, 465.1, 461.6, 313.2, 301.2 Quercetin-O-galloyl hexoside (isomer IV) Gordon et al. (2011), Erşan et al. (2016)
21 20.3 599.6 593.2, 479.1, 463.1, 313.2 Malic acid-digalloyl hexose Abu-Reidah et al. (2015)
22 21.1 491.3 314.9 Isorhamnetin-O-glucuronide
477.6 314.1 Isorhamnetin-O-hexoside
447.3 300.8 Quercetin-O-rhamnoside
23 21.5 505.5 463.0, 300.7 Quercetin-O-acetyl hexoside
26 22.6 615.6 463.1, 300.9, 469.0, 317.0 Myricetin-O-galloyl rhamnoside Saldanha et al. (2013), Abu-Reidah et al. (2015)
506.2 462.9, 315.9, 300.9 Myricetin-O-acetyl rhamnoside Gordon et al. (2011)
27 23.2 505.3 487.0, 444.9, 329.0, 316.1, 300.9 Quercetin-dimethylether-O-glucuronido Falcão et al. (2013)
431.4 284.7 Kaempferol-O-ramnoside