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. 2019 Feb 12;5:2377960819825751. doi: 10.1177/2377960819825751

Table 2.

Education Received on Foot Care Using the VA-Diabetes Foot Care Survey (n = 41).

Item (item number) Nothing at all (%) A little bit (%) Some, but would like to know more (%) Enough (%)
Using a special mirror (6) 51.2 2.4 39.0 7.3
Gently filing calluses (8) 46.3 4.9 34.1 14.6
Not cutting corns or calluses with scissors (10) 43.9 4.9 46.3 4.9
Cutting nails (9) 41.5 2.4 39.0 17.1
Avoiding hot or cold (7) 34.1 12.2 36.6 17.1
Always wearing shoes (4) 22.0 14.6 51.2 12.2
Keep skin moist (5) 19.5 12.2 48.8 19.5
Check feet regularly (1) 14.6 26.8 34.1 24.4
Not using drugstore chemicals or other remedies not ordered by health-care providers (11) 14.6 19.5 39.0 26.8
Choosing proper shoes (3) 12.2 19.5 39.0 29.3
Whom to call for foot problems (13) 12.2 19.5 46.3 22.0
Keeping feet clean (2) 7.3 19.5 34.1 39.0
When to call for foot problems (12) 7.3 19.5 48.8 24.4