Identify risk factors for AKI (e.g., chronic kidney disease, heart failure, chronic liver disease, diabetes, and age ≥65 yr)
Close and continuous communication between nephrologists and the rest of the COVID-19 health care team (i.e., infectious disease specialist, pulmonologist, and the intensive care team).
Absolute indications for starting RRT are as follows:
Life-threatening hyperkalemia
Refractory fluid overload
Severe metabolic acidosis
For patients on chronic RRT (i.e., CAPD, IHD, or APD), the decision to continue or to change RRT should be made promptly and assessed daily.
For example: If a patient is treated with CAPD and requires better solute control, the patient will be switched from CAPD to APD, and the prescription will be modified. If solute and/or volume control is not achieved, the patient will be placed on CRRT, PIRRT, or IHD.
RRT selection will be based on several factors, like patient’s hemodynamic stability, local availability, equipment, supplies, staff, and local expertise (Figure 1).