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. 2020 Dec 17;11:588739. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.588739


The duration of intervals between phenological events in red and white cultivars grown at Ramon (MR) and Ramat Negev (RN) vineyards during 2017, 2018, and 2019 seasons.

Cultivar Bud break to fruit set interval
Fruit set to véraison interval
Véraison to harvest
Arg 54.5* 48.0 50.3 47.3 41.5 50.0*A 45.8 45.0B 46.3 49.3AB 26.5c 35.5* 46.5a 39.0 42.3b 41.8
Bar 47.5* 41.0B 43.8 46.0A 50.8 58.8*A 53.3 52.3B 50.0 55.0*AB 35.3b 48.8*A 27.5c 38.5*B 41.0a 45.5*AB
CF 55.3*a 43.0B 47.8b 48.0A 51.3 59.0* 53.3 56.0 51.0 55.8* 34.3b 47.5*A 41.0*a 31.3B 34.5b 34.0B
CS 51.3 43.0B 49.5 48.8A 42.3 49.3 46.3 48.8 45.5 52.5* 39.0c 54.3*A 45.8*a 37.5B 42.8*b 40.0B
Car 54.3*a 42.5B 50.0b 49.3A 48.0 57.0*A 48.5 49.3B 45.5 57.8*A 39.5c 55.5*A 48.8a 46.8B 43.0b 54.0*A
Dol 48.8 44.0 48.8 44.0 42.0 42.0B 43.3 43.5B 45.8 51.8*A 31.3 46.0* 36.0 46.5* 36.3 50.0*
GN 54.5*a 45.3 49.8b 46.5 48.3 57.0*A 52.5 53.8B 49.8 53.0B 35.5b 37.0B 43.5a 40.5B 42.0a 58.0A*
Mal 49.5* 42.0 47.3 45.5 50.0* 43.3B 47.8 51.0A 46.8 52.8*A 35.3b 46.3*A 34.8*b 28.3C 43.0*a 37.8B
Mer 50.0*a 44.3 46.3*b 43.3 49.0a 47.0B 50.8a 48.8AB 43.8b 53.0*A 34.3 39.3A 32.5 26.3B 29.3* 27.5B
PS 49.8* 43.0 49.3 47.3 43.5 49.3* 46.0 43.5 44.3 48.8* 38.0 48.8* 34.0 40.3 39.8 46.0*
PV 50.8*a 39.5B 46.0b 44.8A 52.5b 58.5* 56.3a 58.5 50.5b 59.0* 45.3b 43.3A 45.8b 46.3A 52.3*a 36.0B
PN 45.5 39.5 43.5 42.3 45.3ab 44.8B 47.8a 48.0A 43.5b 49.5*A 27.3b 30.8B 42.0*a 36.0A 46.8*a 35.3A
Pt 56.5*a 46.3 47.5b 49.3 40.8c 51.3*A 49.8a* 44.5B 45.5b 54.0*A 43.5 49.8*A 46.8 42.5B 43.3 44.0AB
RC 45.0 42.3 43.0 42.8 47.0 44.3 48.8* 44.3 45.0 47.0 38.5 36.5 44.0* 35.3 45.5* 31.0
Sg 50.0*a 44.5 45.0b 44.0 51.5 48.8B 49.5 51.8*A 47.8 53.5*A 35.0c 49.8*A 53.8*a 49.5B 44.3b 48.3A
Syrah 50.8 45.3 49.8 48.5 44.0 50.8* 46.5 46.8 46.5 51.5* 28.0b 47.8*A 34.5ab 36.5B 37.5a 49.3*A
Temp 53.0* 41.5 49.0* 42.3 35.8b 44.3* 42.0a 45.0 41.8a 47.0* 28.5b 52.8* 42.8a 65.0* 30.8b 55.0*
TC 49.3 44.3B 50.5 48.5A 53.5 60.0*A 50.0 56.8B* 48.8 56.3*B 39.0b 47.8*B 53.8a 45.0 B 41.0b 57.0*A
TN 49.8*a 39.3 42.3b 43.7 45.0b 47.7B 50.8a 50.0AB 48.3ab 53.0*A 42.8a 68.0*A 37.8b 38.0B 41.0ab 40.7B
Zin 47.5 42.3 47.3* 42.3 48.5 47.5C 48.0 49.0B 47.5 53.0*A 41.3 51.3*A 44.8 47.3*B 41.3 43.5C
Chardonnay 50.0* 44.5 50.8* 42.5 49.0 50.3 45.3 45.5 47.0 51.0* 17.5b 21.8*B 25.0a 26.3A 18.5b 21.0*B
WhiteChenin B 55.0*a 45.3B 47.5b 48.8A 49.8a 57.3*A 50.5a 50.0B 45.5b 49.8*B 25.8b 34.8* 33.3a 32.8 35.5a 31.3
Colombard 48.8 45.3 46.5 44.8 49.0ab 51.8 52.3a 52.5 45.5b 50.8* 28.8 43.8*A 27.5 33.8*B 25.3 35.8*B
Gewurzt 48.3 44.5 47.0* 42.8 46.0 48.5A 44.0* 41.5B 45.0 49.0*A 23.3ab 22.5B 26.0a 27.0A 21.5b 24.0*AB
Muscat A 51.8* 43.5 47.3 48.5 52.0a 56.0A 45.8ab 46.3B 45.3b 53.8*A 30.5ab 44.8*A 24.5b 32.0*B 31.0a 32.0B
Muscat B 46.0* 39.8B 43.3 42.8A 53.0a 51.0 48.0b 47.5 47.5b 50.0* 21.5ab 21.8 26.0a 26.5 17.5b 24.0*
Pinot G 44.8 43.5A 43.5* 40.3B 54.8* 48.3B 52.3 49.5AB 47.5 51.8*A 17.5c 24.0*B 30.3b 28.0A 36.0*a 22.0B
Semillon 50.3*a 45.5 44.5b 46.5 54.3a 57.8A 52.5a 49.5B 46.5b 48.3B 17.5*b 15.0B 23.5a 25.0A 18.3b 26.0*A
Sauvignon B 52.8* 42.5 47.3 44.5 44.5b 47.5*A 49.8a 49.0A 43.3b 45.5*B 18.0c 23.5B 25.3b 23.8B 37.3*a 29.3A
Riesling 45.8 42.0B 45.5 45.8A 52.5 58.3A 50.0 49.5B 46.8 50.3B 26.3b 24.3B 28.3b 33.3*A 34.5a 34.3A

*indicates significant differences between locations within the same season. a, b, and c indicate significant differences between the seasons at Ramon vineyard. A, B, and C indicate significant differences between seasons at Ramat Negev vineyard. Data are the mean value of four replicates (n = 4). The data of bud break to fruit set are from 2017 and 2018.