Fig. 2.
z-scored grey matter (GM) across separate lobes and experimental groups. A: z-scored GM in different lobes for controls (CON), and clinical-high risk (CHR) and CHR-negative (CHR-N) groups. Z-scores are centred on 0, values that depart from zero (either positively or negatively) represent departures with respect to the average T1-w signal. Thus are indicative of higher signal contrast with respect to the average. The occipital lobe shows the highest z-scores as can be expected based on the known high myelination of this location (Glasser and Van Essen, 2011, Sereno et al., 2012, Fracasso et al., 2016); the lowest values can be observed in the frontal lobe. The analysis showed a significant modulation of z-scored GM between the CHR-group and controls in the frontal lobe (see red dashed lines). Other comparisons in different lobes did not survive multiple correction. B: z-scored GM in different lobes for controls (CON), CHR-negative (CHR-N), CHR-CAARMS/SPI-A (CHR_combined), CHR-CAARMS (CHR-CAARMS) and CHR-SPI-A (CHR-SPI-A) groups. The analysis showed a significant modulation of z-scored GM between CHR-CAARMS and controls in the occipital lobe (see red dashed lines). Comparisons in other lobes did not survive multiple correction(see main text for details).