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. 2020 Dec 31;15(12):e0244692. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244692

Table 3. Four different models of blood-glucose control in terms of different combinations of the diabetes knowledge, management self-efficacy and self-management predictors.

Effect ORModel1 ORModel2a ORModel2b ORModel3
SDSCA10 1.69(1.49, 1.91)*** 1.11(0.95, 1.29) 1.69(1.50, 1.91)*** 1.11(0.95, 1.29)
DMSE10 - 2.68(2.20, 3.26)*** - 2.67(2.20, 3.25)***
DK10 - - 0.94(0.83, 1.06) 0.96(0.84, 1.11)
Age (10 years) 1.34(1.08, 1.65)** 1.40(1.10, 1.78)* 1.31(1.05, 1.62)* 1.38(1.08, 1.76)*
Marital status χ2 = 4.78 χ2 = 5.70 χ2 = 4.81 χ2 = 5.64
Married 0.49(0.25, 0.96) 0.43(0.20, 0.91)* 0.49(0.24, 0.96) 0.43(0.20, 0.91)*
WDS 0.59(0.28, 1.27) 0.57(0.25, 1.32) 0.60(0.28, 1.29) 0.57(0.25, 1.32)
Education χ2 = 3.80 χ2 = 2.69 χ2 = 2.40 χ2 = 2.02
Primary 0.49(0.23, 1.07) 0.55(0.24, 1.31) 0.54(0.24, 1.21) 0.59(0.24, 1.43)
Secondary 0.49(0.20, 1.17) 0.62(0.23, 1.64) 0.57(0.22, 1.43) 0.68(0.24, 1.94)
Bachelor+ 0.42(0.16, 1.11) 0.45(0.15, 1.33) 0.51(0.18, 1.44) 0.51(0.16, 1.67)
Monthly income χ2 = 6.49 χ2 = 9.67* χ2 = 6.27 χ2 = 9.44
5–9.99K (151-300USD) 1.05(0.59, 1.85) 0.83(0.44, 1.58) 1.05(0.59, 1.86) 0.83(0.44, 1.58)
10–14.9K (301-450USD) 0.56(0.30, 1.03) 0.42(0.21, 0.84)* 0.57(0.31, 1.05) 0.43(0.21, 0.86)
15–24.9K (451-750USD) 0.59(0.32, 1.09) 0.44(0.22, 0.90)* 0.61(0.33, 1.12) 0.45(0.22, 0.91)
≥25K (>750USD) 0.94(0.47, 1.90) 0.82(0.37, 1.83) 0.96(0.49, 1.99) 0.85(0.38, 1.90)
Province (KK) 0.50(0.30, 0.83)** 0.46(0.26, 0.82)* 0.48(0.29, 0.80)** 0.45(0.25, 0.80)**
T2D duration (5years) 0.91(0.80, 1.03) 0.93(0.80, 1.08) 0.91(0.80, 1.03) 0.93(0.80, 1.08)
T2D treatment χ2 = 66.97*** χ2 = 20.10*** χ2 = 65.77*** χ2 = 19.79***
OHA 0.51(0.11, 2.35) 0.89(0.16, 4.98) 0.54(0.12, 2.45) 0.91(0.16, 5.13)
Insulin 0.11(0.02, 0.52)** 0.30(0.05, 1.81) 0.11(0.02, 0.55)** 0.31(0.05, 1.86)
OHA+Insulin 0.11(0.02, 0.53)** 0.34(0.06, 1.98) 0.12(0.03, 0.56)** 0.35(0.06, 2.06)
Smoking χ2 = 4.782 χ2 = 5.413 χ2 = 4.715 χ2 = 5.244
Previous 1.78(0.72, 4.39) 1.93(0.70, 5.31) 1.79(0.72, 4.43) 1.93(0.70, 5.28)
Current 3.34(1.05, 10.62)* 3.91(1.16, 13.20)* 3.29(0.04, 10.41) 3.82(1.13, 12.93) *
Alcohol χ2 = 0.998 χ2 = 0.112 χ2 = 1.07 χ2 = 0.121
Previous 0.63(0.25, 1.57) 0.84(0.30, 2.35) 0.61(0.24, 1.55) 0.84(0.30, 2.34)
Current 0.81(0.34, 1.91) 0.96(0.36, 2.59) 0.81(0.34, 1.92) 0.97(0.36, 2.60)
BMI χ2 = 2.883 χ2 = 6.703 χ2 = 3.029 χ2 = 6.819
<18.5 0.57(0.18, 1.80) 0.40(0.12, 1.41) 0.55(0.18, 1.74) 0.39(0.11, 1.39)
25–29.9 0.98(0.64, 1.52) 0.97(0.59, 1.57) 0.96(0.62, 1.49) 0.96(0.58, 1.56)
30+ 1.33(0.82, 2.15) 1.62(0.94, 2.78) 1.31(0.81, 2.13) 1.61(0.93, 2.77)
Comorbidity 1.35(0.62, 2.91) 1.57(0.64, 3.88) 1.36(0.63, 2.94) 1.58(0.64, 3.89)
Family history 1.02(0.70, 1.50) 1.34(0.87, 2.07) 1.05(0.71, 1.54) 1.36(0.87, 2.09)
Hospital size 0.97(0.62, 1.51) 1.03(0.63, 1.69) 0.93(0.60, 1.46) 1.01(0.61, 1.66)

Note: χ2 = Likelihood ratio test;




Model 1 Effect of Diabetes self-management adjusted only for patient characteristics,

Model 2a Effect of Diabetes self-management adjusted for diabetes management self-efficacy and patient characteristics,

Model 2b Effect of Diabetes self-management adjusted for diabetes knowledge and patient characteristics, and

Model 3 Effect of Diabetes self-management adjusted for both diabetes management self-efficacy, diabetes knowledge along with patient characteristics

All four models are adjusted for all other patient characteristics.