Fig 2. RT-PCR results for the Y48B6A.5 (spe-50) transcript.
Primers specific for the Y48B6A.5 transcript amplified a robust product in fem-3(q23ts) hermaphrodites that produce only sperm, but such a product was nearly absent amplifying from fem-1(hc13ts) hermaphrodites that produce only oocytes. The Y48B6A.5 transcript was also present in the N2 strain but not in the Y48B6A.5 mutant that has the ttTi4488 Mos1 transposon insertion in Exon 3. Had the transcript with the Mos1 transposon been amplified, it would have been 1,829 bp in length, and the extension time was designed to allow a product that large to be amplified. The PCR reactions also had primers for act-2, the C. elegans β-actin gene. The act-2 product demonstrates that there was equivalent mRNA present in the samples. MW is the molecular weight marker: Phage lambda DNA digested with PstI.