Fig. 3. Battery-free sensors for wireless monitoring of pressure and temperature at the interface of a residual limb and a prosthesis.
(A) Exploded view schematic illustrations of the sensing device. The structural support, electronic components, circuits, antenna, and adhesive layer are abbreviated to Struct. support, Elec. comp., Circ., ant., and Adh., respectively. (B) Picture of the device. (C) Response of the wireless sensor under pressure loading and unloading. (D) Fractional change of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) value transmitted by the device under three cycles of loading/unloading as compared to force gauge measurements. (E) Fractional change of the ADC value under a constant load as compared to force gauge measurements. (F) Response of the wireless temperature sensor at different temperatures. (G) Fractional change of the ADC value of the wireless temperature sensor under three cycles of temperature increase and decrease as compared to infrared (IR) camera measurements. (H) Fractional change of the ADC value at a constant temperature as compared to IR camera measurements.