Fig. 5. Wireless measurements of pressure and temperature from a participant with transtibial amputation.
(A) Schematic illustrations of an individual with transtibial amputation with three multimodal sensors on the residual limb and NFC/BLE modules on the prosthesis. (B) Pictures of the transtibial residual limb with wireless sensors adhered to different locations. (C) Picture of a prosthesis with attached NFC/BLE modules. (D) Pictures of the participant during three different activities. (E) Representative pressure data collected while in a sitting position. (F) Representative pressure data collected while in a standing position. (G) Representative pressure data collected while walking on a treadmill at a self-selected slow speed (0.31 m/s). (H) Representative pressure data collected while walking on a treadmill at a self-selected fast speed (0.81 m/s). (I) Temperature data collected throughout the testing protocol. All data were collected on a single participant (n = 1).