Fig. 3. DAF-16, DAF-12, and HSF-1 are required for transgenerational inheritance.
(A to C) Life-span analyses of (A) hsf-1 mutants, (B) daf-12 mutants, and (C) daf-16 mutants exposed or not exposed to high temperature. (D) Experimental scheme. (E to H) P0 worms were heat shocked without RNAi exposure, and then F1 progeny were exposed to (E) control (HT115), (F) hsf-1, (G) daf-12, and (H) daf-16 RNAi to test the requirement for daf-16, daf-12, and hsf-1 in the F1 generation (P value by log-rank test). (I) Experimental scheme. (J to M) P0 animals were heat shocked, and then F1 progeny were subjected to (J) control (HT115), (K) hsf-1, (L) daf-12, and (M) daf-16 RNAi, and life span of F2 progeny were analyzed. The experiments were repeated at least three times. Detailed life-span values are listed in table S1.