Figure 2.
Efficacy of α2,3- neuraminidase i njection in mediating platelet clearance in mic e. (A, C) α2,3-neuraminidase (0.6 U/g of body weight) was i njected intravenously into wild-type (WT) (), GPIbα-/- (), or IL4RIbαTg (▲) mice. According to the information sheet supplied by the manufacturer, the activity of 1U α2,3-neuraminidase is equivalent of 1 mU A . ur eafaci ens neuraminidase. For comparison, saline was concur rently injected i nto the same strains (corresponding open sym bols). (B, D ) α 2,3-neuram inidase was inje cted intravenously into St3gal1MK-/- (◆) and its littermate WT () mice. Blood wa s colle cted from each mouse via facial vein immediately before (t=0) or days following the injection. Counts of (A,B) platelets and (C,D) erythrocytes were performed on a CBC counter and normal ized wi th the co unt befo re the inje ction being 100% (mean±standard deviation, n=4-7).