Fig. 3.
Adipocytic TAZ facilitates breast tumor growth. (A–F) The effects of adipocytic TAZ knockout on breast tumor growth. (A) Trial schematic for generation of homozygous Adiponectin-cre; TAZflox/flox (TAZ AKO) mice (Left) and strategies for mice feeding followed with breast tumor transplant (Right). (B) Representative image of breast tumors from TAZ WT and AKO mice in CD and HFD group. (C) Tumor volumes in each group were measured since palpable at indicated times. Tumor progressions are presented. n = 9 per group. (D) Mice were euthanized at day 13, breast tumor was resected, and tumor weight was measured. (E and F) Immunohistochemistry staining of Ki67 was performed on tumor slices; representative images of periadipocyte areas, periphery areas, and interior areas were shown (scale bar, 1 mm [Left] and 50 μm [Right]) (E). Ki67+ cells in each area were quantified (F). n = 5 in each group. Data shown are mean ± SEM. Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA. N.S.: no significance, *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001.